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Sample GSM10307 Query DataSets for GSM10307
Status Public on Oct 29, 2003
Title adult leaf-UV-B exposed leves covered withCA and PE bag
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name leaf covered with CA bag
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name leaf covered with PE bag
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Microarray hybridization was used to assess UV-B responses in both directly exposed and shielded tissues of a maize line deficient in anthocyanin accumulation. Among 347 transcripts found to be regulated after 8 h of high UV-B irradiation, 285 were increased significantly in at least one organ but only 80 were down-regulated by UV-B. Although some genes were regulated by UV-B in more than one sample, most UV-B regulated genes were organ-specific. A larger number of transcript changes occurred in directly exposed than in shielded organs, and more transcripts levels were changed in adult than in seedling tissues. Because shielded tissues including roots, immature ears, and leaves covered with a plastic that absorbs UV-B exhibited altered transcriptome profiles after plant exposure to UV-B, some signal(s) must be transmitted from irradiated to shielded tissues. The time course of transcript abundance changes monitored by RNA blot hybridization and real time RT-PCR indicated that the response kinetics to UV-B are very rapid as some transcript levels are altered within 1 h exposure, in both exposed and shielded tissues. As the same total UV-B irradiation dose applied at three intensities elicited different transcript profiles, transcriptome changes do not show reciprocity. Confirming and extending prior microarray hybridization results, supplemental UV-B increased expression of stress response and ribosomal protein genes, while photosynthesis-associated genes were down regulated in adult leaves.
Submission date Sep 18, 2003
Last update date May 28, 2005
Contact name Paula Casati
Phone 54-341-4371955
Organization name Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Department Biological Sciences
Lab Casati
Street address Suipacha 531
City Rosario
State/province Santa Fe
ZIP/Postal code 2000
Country Argentina
Platform ID GPL498
Series (1)
GSE671 Rapid molecular responses of maize to UV-B: gene expression profiling in irradiated and shielded tissues

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log 2 ratio CA bag/PE bag
ratio (J-K)/(M-N) CA bag/PE bag
CH1I uncorrected mean pixel intensity for channel 1 (Cy3)
CH1B median background pixel intensity for channel 1 (Cy3)
CH1AB mean background pixel intensity for channel 1 (Cy3)
CH2I uncorrected mean pixel intensity for channel 2 (Cy5)
CH2B median background pixel intensity for channel 2 (Cy5)
CH2AB mean background pixel intensity for channel 2 (Cy5)
SPIX number of pixels in a spot
BGPIX uniform background in the two channels
MRAT median of (Ch2PI-CH2B)/(Ch1PI-CH1B)
REGR slope estimate by simple linear regression
CORR correlation between channel1 and channel 2 pixels within the spot
LFRAT slope estimate by least-squares fit
CH1GTB1 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than background (CH1B)
CH2GTB1 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than background (CH2B)
CH1GTB2 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than 1.5 times the background (CH1B)
CH2GTB2 fraction of pixels in the spot greater than 1.5 times the background (CH2B)
CH1EDGEA mean magnitude of the horizontal and vertical Sobel edge vectors contained within each spot (CH1)
CH2EDGEA mean magnitude of the horizontal and vertical Sobel edge vectors contained within each spot (CH2)
FLAG user defined spot flag
CH1KSD value of the Komogorov-Smirnov statistic that assesses the likelihood that the spot pixel intensity distribution is drawn from the background distribution
CH1KSP actual probability derived from CH1KSD
CH2KSD value of the Komogorov-Smirnov statistic that assesses the likelihood that the spot pixel intensity distribution is drawn from the background distribution
CH2KSP actual probability derived from CH2KSD

Data table
1 800 586 722 484 477 600 156 1205 0 0.03271 0.3351 0.5843 0.5574 1.088 0.9615 0.4487 0.1795 0.03846 0.09239 0.09372 1 0.5859 1.59E-42 0.07943 3.35E-01
2 902 577 618 520 475 487 156 1009 0 0.1385 0.3968 0.02149 0.06615 0.02401 0.9103 0.4231 0.1154 0.02564 0.1232 0.1119 1 0.4942 9.95E-30 0.1257 2.54E-02
3 707 580 645 458 467 481 156 1009 0 -0.07087 0.4118 0.2372 0.7137 0.25 0.9103 0.4295 0.03846 0 0.06669 0.06996 1 0.4781 7.57E-28 0.1113 6.54E-02
4 1405 575 668 1851 455 485 156 1009 0 1.682 0.8876 1.279 0.8477 1.617 0.8397 0.5256 0.08974 0.09615 0.1195 0.1714 1 0.3751 2.64E-17 0.1253 2.61E-02
5 517 544 654 420 444 471 156 1009 0 0 2.032 0.1331 0.352 0.1517 0.2436 0.3846 0 0 0.02937 0.07143 1 0.2829 4.96E-10 0.1546 2.71E-03
6 499 524 585 415 444 449 156 1009 0 0 1.245 0.03403 0.2035 0.03497 0.3013 0.3654 0 0.01282 0.04109 0.0804 1 0.2269 1.33E-06 0.1502 3.92E-03
7 559 525 544 465 450 456 156 1009 0 0.4412 1.042 0.05979 0.1037 0.08888 0.6026 0.5769 0.01282 0.01923 0.05707 0.06724 1 0.1276 2.23E-02 0.1097 7.21E-02
8 662 543 573 525 471 482 156 1009 0 0.4538 1.193 0.06213 0.1562 0.07342 0.8013 0.7051 0.04487 0.05128 0.08723 0.07852 1 0.3442 1.22E-14 0.2262 1.46E-06
9 534 574 624 447 494 547 156 1009 0 0 1.543 0.607 0.3255 4.312 0.2179 0.2564 0 0.00641 0.03719 0.06453 1 0.2902 1.58E-10 0.2681 4.75E-09
10 639 571 623 562 502 562 156 999 0 0.8824 1.08 0.5287 0.3042 4.068 0.7564 0.6923 0.03205 0.04487 0.05987 0.07612 1 0.2872 2.62E-10 0.2027 2.40E-05
11 751 555 688 586 486 619 156 999 0 0.5102 1.006 0.8963 0.7837 1.186 0.891 0.7756 0.08974 0.1346 0.1181 0.08266 0 0.4233 6.69E-22 0.3207 9.48E-13
12 700 565 700 616 503 662 156 1009 0 0.837 0.9494 1.118 0.8455 1.39 0.9295 0.8397 0.07051 0.1218 0.05844 0.07773 0 0.5195 8.36E-33 0.3891 1.36E-18
13 1599 552 575 1165 488 531 156 1009 0 0.6466 0.716 0.4182 0.6416 0.526 1 0.9808 0.8654 0.891 0.1669 0.1387 0 0.8396 0.00E+00 0.8553 0.00E+00
14 -0.012725235 0.991218326 2486 525 556 2051 460 506 156 1009 0 0.8113 0.7561 0.6022 0.7796 0.7197 0.9295 0.9551 0.8269 0.8462 0.2692 0.267 0 0.7897 0.00E+00 0.7926 0.00E+00
15 977 510 554 778 446 469 156 1009 0 0.7109 0.7064 0.4881 0.756 0.5675 0.9551 0.9487 0.75 0.7115 0.08649 0.08037 0 0.7219 0.00E+00 0.7219 0.00E+00
16 499 496 525 385 451 464 156 1000 0 -22 1.314 0.111 0.1917 0.1625 0.5128 0.1923 0 0.01282 0.03732 0.08268 1 0.09003 2.13E-01 0.4027 7.41E-20
17 582 485 493 468 454 457 156 1018 0 0.1443 0.6375 0.1504 0.2021 0.3054 0.8269 0.5192 0.08333 0.01923 0.06553 0.06399 1 0.4612 5.68E-26 0.06893 5.27E-01
18 547 478 505 465 460 465 156 1009 0 0.07246 0.6387 0.001147 0.004794 0.001216 0.7949 0.5192 0.00641 0.00641 0.04927 0.06479 1 0.3886 1.53E-18 0.04798 9.08E-01
19 1207 485 545 823 473 486 156 1009 0 0.4848 0.6901 0.01935 0.1066 0.02 1 0.9487 0.9551 0.7115 0.1195 0.09733 0 0.9045 0.00E+00 0.7763 0.00E+00
20 983 480 535 852 486 501 156 1009 0 0.7276 0.6848 0.4523 0.6524 0.5789 1 1 0.9872 0.6859 0.08641 0.08864 0 0.9163 0.00E+00 0.8057 0.00E+00

Total number of rows: 16928

Table truncated, full table size 2784 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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