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Sample GSM103090 Query DataSets for GSM103090
Status Public on Jan 01, 2007
Title 13296217
Sample type other
Channel 1
Source name N42 non-infected 42 h
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics N42
Extracted molecule other
Extraction protocol Small RNA purification using MirVana (Ambion) protocol from Total RNA.
Label Cy3
Label protocol 1 μg of each small RNA fraction was chemically labelled with fluorescein and biotin using the MICROMAX kit (Perkin Elmer # MPS545).
Channel 2
Source name I42 infected 42 h
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics I42
Extracted molecule other
Extraction protocol Small RNA purification using MirVana (Ambion) protocol from Total RNA.
Label Cy5
Label protocol 1 μg of each small RNA fraction was chemically labelled with fluorescein and biotin using the MICROMAX kit (Perkin Elmer # MPS545).
Hybridization protocol Both channel labelled-miRNA were then combined, purified and hybridized in 50 μl hybridization buffer (Corning Hybridization chamber) during 16 hrs at 45°C. Arrays were then washed and treated for a sequential Cy3 and Cy5 detection process following the MICROMAX kit procedure.
Scan protocol Fluorescent array images were collected for both Cy3 and Cy5 with a GenePix 4000A fluorescent scanner and image intensity data were extracted and analyzed with GenePix Pro 6.0 analysis software.
Description 2005/10/13 - 13296217
Data processing GenePix Pro 6.0 analysis software
Submission date Apr 04, 2006
Last update date Jan 11, 2007
Contact name Kevin Lebrigand
Organization name IPMC/CNRS
Lab Functional Genomics Platform of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Street address 660 route des lucioles
City Valbonne - Sophia-Antipolis
ZIP/Postal code 06560
Country France
Platform ID GPL3241
Series (1)
GSE4761 Identification of host miRNA regulated by HIV-1

Data table header descriptions
F635_MEDIAN CH1 (F635) median fluorescence intensity
B635_MEDIAN CH1 (F635) background median fluorescence intensity
F532_MEDIAN CH2 (F532) median fluorescence intensity
B532_MEDIAN CH2 (F532) background median fluorescence intensity
VALUE same as UNF_VALUE but with flagged values removed
FLAGS Denotes which features met our filtering criterion.(-50:autoflag, -100:manual flag)
UNF_VALUE Normalized log2 ratio of means defined by CH1/CH2

Data table
1 326 327 126 99 1.3714482307311613 0 1.3714482307311613
2 322 330 104 98 1.6304771599735248 0 1.6304771599735248
3 332 336 109 100 1.6068551065699983 0 1.6068551065699983
4 332 346 110 103 1.593679717822265 0 1.593679717822265
5 382 351 110 96 1.796069114511089 0 1.796069114511089
6 368 358 112 96 1.7162070339994084 0 1.7162070339994084
7 314 366 99 95 1.6652641288120176 0 1.6652641288120176
8 354 371 98 100 1.8528957059677889 0 1.8528957059677889
9 399 378 128 114 1.640244936222346 0 1.640244936222346
10 524 434 306 179 0.7760351588447983 0 0.7760351588447983
11 554 456 315 184 0.8145341476619095 0 0.8145341476619095
12 612 529 319 226 0.9399752289277824 0 0.9399752289277824
13 6627 575 11531 256 -0.7990898083657251 0 -0.7990898083657251
14 7168 541 13133 210 -0.8735539693622514 0 -0.8735539693622514
15 1212 454 1024 122 0.2431739834729509 0 0.2431739834729509
16 1411 408 1529 107 -0.11587041876354051 0 -0.11587041876354051
17 335 342 100 100 1.74416109557041 0 1.74416109557041
18 332 340 100 101 1.7311832415722 0 1.7311832415722
19 319 359 108 115 1.5625251116014007 0 1.5625251116014007
20 337 355 109 108 1.6284204564049323 0 1.6284204564049323

Total number of rows: 6144

Table truncated, full table size 364 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM103090.gpr.gz 541.4 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR

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