Status |
Public on Dec 31, 2017 |
Title |
Ovarian_PrimarySurgery_LD085 |
Sample type |
genomic |
Source name |
Epithelia ovarian cancer
Organism |
Homo sapiens |
Characteristics |
age: 38 survival status: alive survivaltime_month: 12.2 tissue: malignant ovarian tumor Stage: stage 3 grading: G3 subtype: clear cell
Treatment protocol |
Primary surgery
Extracted molecule |
genomic DNA |
Extraction protocol |
genomic DNA was extracted and purified from tumor tissue and scarpping cells using Qiagen DNeasy Kit according to standard instructions
Label |
Cy5 and Cy3
Label protocol |
Standard Illumina Protocol
Hybridization protocol |
bisulphite converted DNA was amplified, fragmented and hybridised to Illumina Infinium Human Methylation27 Beadchip using standard Illumina protocol
Scan protocol |
Arrays were imaged using BeadArray Reader using standard recommended Illumina scanner setting
Description |
Data processing |
BeadStudio software v3.2. The sample data table contains Average Beta and the non_normalized.txt file contains Unmethylated and methylated signal intensities.
Submission date |
Jan 03, 2013 |
Last update date |
Dec 31, 2017 |
Contact name |
Hung-Cheng Lai |
E-mail(s) |
Organization name |
Taipei Medical University
Department |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, College of Medicine,
Street address |
No.250, Wuxing St.
City |
Taipei |
ZIP/Postal code |
11031 |
Country |
Taiwan |
Platform ID |
GPL8490 |
Series (1) |
GSE43265 |
An epigenetic panel of NEFH and HS3ST2 relates to overall survival in human ovarian cancer . |