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Sample GSM112493 Query DataSets for GSM112493
Status Public on Sep 30, 2006
Title NA07357_Nsp_EA
Sample type genomic
Source name DNA was obtained from NIGHS Human Genetic Cell Repository
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Gender: Male Cell lot number: 3
Biomaterial provider Coriell NA07357
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label Biotin
Description Hapmap samples used for identifying variable copy number regions in the genome
Data processing Genotyes reported by dynamic modeling algorithm
Submission date Jun 05, 2006
Last update date Apr 17, 2008
Contact name Fan Shen
Phone 408-731-5762
Organization name Affymetrix, Inc
Street address 3420 Central Expressway
City Santa Clara
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 95051
Country USA
Platform ID GPL3811
Series (1)
GSE5013 Global variation of copy number in the human genome_EA

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Affymetrix probe set ID
VALUE Genotype call
DETECTION P-VALUE Detection pValue
MedianS Median signal
RAS1 Relative allele signal for data in the first probe group
RAS2 Relative allele signal for data in the second probe group

Data table
SNP_A-1825791 AB 0.007813 18.127 0.365370 0.456444
SNP_A-2222671 AB 0.187500 3.112 0.599257 0.757848
SNP_A-1879718 AB 0.015625 13.473 0.474613 0.319825
SNP_A-2192013 BB 0.007813 13.810 0.036293 0.000000
SNP_A-2161785 BB 0.015625 15.111 0.000000 0.009494
SNP_A-1924692 AB 0.007813 11.139 0.627243 0.517771
SNP_A-2059484 AB 0.007813 8.315 0.583176 0.629686
SNP_A-1921272 BB 0.007813 26.276 0.012357 0.000000
SNP_A-2045948 AB 0.046875 8.466 0.793103 0.341497
SNP_A-2024190 AB 0.359375 -1.444 0.448980 0.231214
SNP_A-2166839 AA 0.007813 25.501 1.000000 1.000000
SNP_A-1999651 AB 0.007813 11.926 0.450301 0.435031
SNP_A-2049421 AB 0.007813 8.917 0.411020 0.279113
SNP_A-2220047 BB 0.023438 5.139 0.081111 0.157782
SNP_A-1916560 AB 0.007813 14.569 0.508523 0.430721
SNP_A-2094813 AB 0.007813 8.702 0.474962 0.497717
SNP_A-2190792 AB 0.015625 15.879 0.641256 0.569542
SNP_A-2033074 AB 0.007813 12.523 0.365175 0.384236
SNP_A-2131660 BB 0.187500 9.162 0.366516 0.000000
SNP_A-1780523 AA 0.007813 16.716 1.000000 0.998183

Total number of rows: 267231

Table truncated, full table size 13233 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM112493.CEL.gz 43.3 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM112493_raw.txt.gz 26.2 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT

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