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Sample GSM124832 Query DataSets for GSM124832
Status Public on Oct 17, 2006
Title MCF7_Self-Self_ExpressionProfile_HO87-H6
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name MCF7
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics MCF7 human breast carcinoma cells
Biomaterial provider MCF7 cell line used within the Netherlands Cancer Institute
Growth protocol MCF7 cells were maintained in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% FCS and antibiotics.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Detailed protocols for RNA isolation, amplification, labeling, and hybridization can be found at
Label Cy5
Label protocol Detailed protocols for RNA isolation, amplification, labeling, and hybridization can be found at
Channel 2
Source name MCF7
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics MCF7 human breast carcinoma cells
Biomaterial provider MCF7 cell line used within the Netherlands Cancer Institute
Growth protocol MCF7 cells were maintained in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% FCS and antibiotics.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Detailed protocols for RNA isolation, amplification, labeling, and hybridization can be found at
Label Cy3
Label protocol Detailed protocols for RNA isolation, amplification, labeling, and hybridization can be found at
Hybridization protocol Detailed protocols for RNA isolation, amplification, labeling, and hybridization can be found at
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned using a Agilent Technologies Scanner, Model: G2505B and ChipScan software.
Image analyses were done using Imagene 6.0 software (BioDiscvovery)
Description Self-Self Expression profile. Both channels contain amplified RNA isolated from MCF7 cells.
Data processing Data was background corrected and normalized using a LOWESS fit per subarray, Column VALUE contains the normalized log2 expression ratios for each individual array.
Submission date Aug 03, 2006
Last update date Oct 17, 2006
Contact name Bas van Steensel
Phone + 31 20 512 2040
Fax +31 20 669 1383
Organization name Netherlands Cancer Institute
Department division of Molecular Biology
Lab van Steensel group
Street address Plesmanlaan 121
City Amsterdam
ZIP/Postal code 1066 CX
Country Netherlands
Platform ID GPL3676
Series (1)
GSE5445 Human Heterochromatin Proteins form Large Domains Containing KRAB-ZNF Genes

Data table header descriptions
Red Signal Mean pixel intensity averaged over the local signal region (ImaGene)
Red Background Mean pixel intensity averaged over the local background region (ImaGene)
Red Signal Median median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region (ImaGene)
Red Background Median median pixel intensity computed over the local background region (ImaGene)
Red Signal Stdev standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local signal region (ImaGene)
Red Background Stdev standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local background region (ImaGene)
Green Signal Mean pixel intensity averaged over the local signal region (ImaGene)
Green Background Mean pixel intensity averaged over the local background region (ImaGene)
Green Signal Median median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region (ImaGene)
Green Background Median median pixel intensity computed over the local background region (ImaGene)
Green Signal Stdev standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local signal region (ImaGene)
Green Background Stdev standard deviation of pixel intensities over the local background region (ImaGene)
VALUE Normalized log2 ratio
A Normalized fluorescence spot intensity (log2 ?Cy5*Cy3)

Data table
ID_REF Red Signal Mean Red Background Mean Red Signal Median Red Background Median Red Signal Stdev Red Background Stdev Green Signal Mean Green Background Mean Green Signal Median Green Background Median Green Signal Stdev Green Background Stdev VALUE A
1 802.8245 32.407 865.0 32.0 427.2372 3.9303 973.7419 43.969 1017.0 44.0 617.1932 3.6211 0.0692587 9.78817
2 50.6444 32.6518 49.0 33.0 8.1871 3.5659 70.3333 43.9037 70.0 44.0 12.1947 3.9793 -0.101024 5.89923
3 34.0666 32.6666 34.0 32.0 3.7558 3.811 46.2 44.7555 47.0 45.0 5.6079 3.0851 -0.0659254 5.31005
4 193.5399 33.8689 202.0 33.0 47.2923 4.6318 283.037 45.6237 318.5 46.0 95.6602 3.331 -0.189785 7.87067
5 124.2692 33.6568 129.5 33.0 29.5687 5.1999 173.3392 45.435 189.5 45.0 47.832 4.0921 -0.10968 7.19739
6 67.0961 33.3333 65.0 33.0 14.8236 5.6441 93.8035 45.1153 85.5 45.0 25.7733 3.9631 -0.109365 6.30986
7 59.9787 31.1151 59.0 31.0 9.7424 3.5042 74.1555 43.0 74.0 43.0 9.3522 3.3515 0.0653612 6.05943
8 54.1568 31.0635 55.0 31.0 11.1923 3.066 69.6346 41.2151 65.0 41.0 14.982 2.7587 0.00980992 5.9404
9 361.1 31.0914 397.5 31.0 159.8408 4.9037 498.5937 41.15 500.5 41.0 245.9466 3.3264 -0.113674 8.72899
10 127.5438 30.814 121.0 31.0 47.5273 3.6396 156.7257 41.1237 154.5 41.0 61.3375 3.168 0.0736277 7.14348
11 41.4666 31.3798 41.0 31.0 5.3191 3.7596 57.3111 41.5642 57.0 41.0 7.9633 4.0083 -0.0932764 5.60731
12 124.2075 31.798 132.0 31.0 32.324 4.0359 144.8166 41.6122 154.0 42.0 46.7765 3.0809 0.150053 7.06735
13 48.3673 31.3155 48.0 31.0 7.7002 3.5186 66.0392 41.3921 64.0 41.0 11.1951 3.6141 -0.0761068 5.82061
14 49.7959 31.2984 47.0 31.0 8.0406 3.2793 65.5199 41.2947 61.5 41.0 10.1414 2.8409 -0.0227846 5.83591
15 40.9777 31.1173 41.0 31.0 6.5506 4.2862 51.9333 41.3072 52.0 41.0 6.7705 3.6449 0.0318335 5.52768
16 139.1999 31.3641 138.0 31.0 50.9202 3.2292 206.5 41.7176 214.0 42.0 81.4839 3.368 -0.200914 7.40551
17 240.1451 31.835 224.5 32.0 122.0986 3.5989 303.2 41.6701 294.0 42.0 165.7978 3.1558 0.0197411 8.07594
18 269.362 31.9913 277.5 32.0 103.1035 3.7148 353.8688 42.3744 394.0 42.0 156.3869 3.4876 -0.039682 8.27024
19 84.4074 32.163 85.0 32.0 15.8143 4.3931 112.9818 41.7704 116.0 42.0 24.1972 3.516 -0.0458419 6.60962
20 323.9321 32.103 328.0 32.0 132.7271 3.7877 426.3076 41.7672 449.0 42.0 214.084 2.9867 -0.0437942 8.53765

Total number of rows: 37632

Table truncated, full table size 3889 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM124832.tif.gz 21.3 Mb (ftp)(http) TIFF

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