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Sample GSM130835 Query DataSets for GSM130835
Status Public on Sep 08, 2006
Title MAQC_BIO_1_A2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name MAQC sample A, i.e., Stratagene Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR, Catalog #740000)
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics MAQC sample
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy3
Label protocol Fluorescent-labeled DNA (Cy3 and Cy5-dCTP) was produced through Eberwine’s linear RNA amplification method and subsequent enzymatic reaction. This procedure has been previously described in detail (Guo, Y. et al. J. Virol. 79, 14392-14403, 2005). Briefly, double-stranded cDNA containing T7 RNA polymerase promoter sequence was synthesized with 5 ug of total RNA using Reverse Transcription System, RNase H, DNA polymerase I and T4 DNA polymerase, according to the manufacturer’s recommended protocol (Promega).
Channel 2
Source name MAQC sample B, i.e., Ambion Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR, Catalog #6050)
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics MAQC sample
Extracted molecule total RNA
Label Cy5
Label protocol Fluorescent-labeled DNA (Cy3 and Cy5-dCTP) was produced through Eberwine’s linear RNA amplification method and subsequent enzymatic reaction. This procedure has been previously described in detail (Guo, Y. et al. J. Virol. 79, 14392-14403, 2005). Briefly, double-stranded cDNA containing T7 RNA polymerase promoter sequence was synthesized with 5 ug of total RNA using Reverse Transcription System, RNase H, DNA polymerase I and T4 DNA polymerase, according to the manufacturer’s recommended protocol (Promega).
Scan protocol Slides were scanned with a confocal LuxScan scanner (CapitalBio Corp.). For two-color microarrays, the scanning setting for the Cy3 and Cy5 channels was manually balanced by visual inspection of the external control spots. The data from the obtained images were extracted with SpotData software (CapitalBio Corp.).
Description Sample-pair convention: A (A/B, Cy3/Cy5), B (B/A, Cy3/Cy5), sA (A/A, Cy3/Cy5), sB (B/B, Cy3/Cy5). The human genome-wide long oligonucleotide microarray was constructed inhouse at CapitalBio Corporation, Beijing, China.
Data processing The data from the obtained images were extracted with SpotData software (CapitalBio Corp.). The raw data were submitted to MAQC and further normalized by using linear-scaling and LOWESS.
Submission date Aug 25, 2006
Last update date Sep 01, 2006
Contact name Leming Shi
Phone +86-18616827008
Organization name Fudan University
Department School of Life Sciences
Lab Center for Pharmacogenomics
Street address 2005 Songhu Road
City Shanghai
ZIP/Postal code 200438
Country China
Platform ID GPL4187
Series (1)
GSE5350 MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) Project

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Manufacturer's 'Feature_id'
VALUE Ratio defined as CH1/CH2 (Cy3/Cy5)
CH1_Median Channel 1 median intensity (background subtracted and linear-scaled LOWESS normalized) (Cy3)
CH2_Median Channel 2 median intensity (background subtracted and linear-scaled LOWESS normalized) (Cy5)

Data table
ID_REF VALUE CH1_Median CH2_Median
1 1.0360 147323.6875 142205.734375
2 1.3746 160428.453125 116712.7109375
3 3.5232 72540.953125 20589.64257812
4 1.8922 37524.19140625 19830.83203125
5 1430.9795 217360.90625 151.89659119
6 2.5839 262.1895752 101.47052002
7 0.5398 154286.375 285797.8125
8 0.6065 69880.484375 115219.359375
9 0.5978 29481.625 49318.83203125
10 0.6190 12340.05664062 19936.37890625
11 3.8660 194409.90625 50287.5
12 0.1299 36127.53125 278213.96875
13 1.8345 115523.015625 62973.78125
14 0.2314 36199.3984375 156417.484375
15 1143.5935 217236.25 189.95932007
16 1.8400 313.56228638 170.41723633
17 3.3718 510.56719971 151.42427063
18 0.9386 5681.75244141 6053.28076172
19 1.3343 1626.58081055 1219.08837891
20 0.4317 380.57937622 881.6829834

Total number of rows: 23232

Table truncated, full table size 826 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM130835_BIO_1_A2.lsr.gz 1.6 Mb (ftp)(http) LSR

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