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Sample GSM1394579 Query DataSets for GSM1394579
Status Public on May 26, 2014
Title abdominal aorta, SCD, bioloogical repl. 3
Sample type RNA
Source name abdominal aorta, SCD
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics tissue: abdominal aorta
strain: DBA/2NCrl
Treatment protocol DBA/2NCrl mice were fed either a high-phosphate diet (HPD) containing 20.2 g phosphorus per kg or a standard chow diet (SCD) containing 7.0 g phosphorus per kg.for 5 days, respectively.
Growth protocol DBA/2NCrl mice were 8 weeks old at the start of the experiment.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol For RNA isolation the aorts were disrupted and homogenized in RLT-buffer (Qiagen)using MagNA lyzer green beads and MagNa lyzer tissue disrupter. Total RNA was isolated using Rneasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer´s protocol.
Label biotin
Label protocol NuGen Applause WT Amp Plus ST System and NuGen Biocore Biotin Module
Hybridization protocol Affymetrix Mouse Gene 2.0 ST arrays; Affymetrix GeneChip HT Hybridization, Wash and Staining Kit; Affymetrix Fluidics station 450: protocol FS_450_0007 for Cartridge Arrays
Scan protocol Affymetrix scanner: GCS3000
Description Gene expression data from abdominal aortic tissue from mice fed a standard chow diet
Data processing Affymetrix Geneexpression Console (1.3.1) using Affymetrix default analysis settings for generating CEL.files
Data pre-processing and filtering (Partek Genomic Suite Software v 6.6): RMA (background correction, quantile normalization across all chips in the experiment, log2 transformation, median polish summerization), ANOVA
Submission date May 20, 2014
Last update date May 26, 2014
Contact name Birgit Gallé
Organization name ZMF
Street address Stiftingtalstr. 24
City Graz
ZIP/Postal code 8010
Country Austria
Platform ID GPL16570
Series (1)
GSE57818 Impact of high-phosphate diet on aortic gene expression

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA (background correction, quantile normalization across all chips in the experiment, log2 transformation, median polish summerization)

Data table
17364176 6.3113
17306532 5.42479
17450319 5.70068
17260236 4.90288
17513311 7.98123
17217651 5.79256
17380366 11.6584
17548117 9.86094
17225413 7.57794
17458514 11.5288
17298379 7.15596
17233323 7.70621
17370807 8.29717
17485789 6.37796
17410845 6.62739
17405075 7.2896
17337585 2.50579
17286962 8.06759
17459716 10.306
17491368 5.17356

Total number of rows: 41345

Table truncated, full table size 681 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1394579_AA-SCD-481.CEL.gz 8.9 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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