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Sample GSM140071 Query DataSets for GSM140071
Status Public on Mar 31, 2011
Title Reference Design timecourse c_t7.2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name common reference (OD600=0.5)
Organism Escherichia coli
Characteristics Strain: W3110
OD: 0.5
Growth protocol LB
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Qiagen RNeasy mini Kit
Label Cy3
Label protocol Cyscribe Kit
Channel 2
Source name time 7 (OD600=1.7)
Organism Escherichia coli
Characteristics Strain: W3110
OD: 1.7
Growth protocol LB
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Qiagen RNeasy mini Kit
Label Cy5
Label protocol Cyscribe Kit
Hybridization protocol Prehybridization of the array slides was performed for 4h in filtered prehybridization solution [25% formamide, 5x SSC, 10mg l-1 BSA (fraction V), 0.1% SDS] at 42℃. Slides were briefly washed in ethanol and dried by centrifugation at 1000g for 5 min.
Hybridization of the probe was performed using hybridization solution (25% formamide, 5x SSC, 0.1% SDS, 0.1µg poly(A) ml-1, 1x Denhardt's solution and 80pmol Cy3 and Cy5 combined probe). The hybridization solution containing the Cy-Dye-labelled cDNA was heated to 95℃ for 3 min, Hybridization is performed by dvalytix hybridaization macine.
Scan protocol After hybridization, slides were washed in wash buffer I (2x SSC/0.1% SDS) for 2min at 42℃, in wash buffer II (0.2x SSC) for 2min at room temperature and then twice in wash buffer III (0.05x SSC) for 2min at room temperature. All washes were done with vigorous shaking of the microarray slides. The slides were dried by centrifugation at 1000g for 5min, and then analysed using an Fuji FLA-8000 scanner and Array gauge ver.2.0 software (Fuji film)
Description RNA was isolated from W3110 cells, grown in LB media.
Data processing Normalization is performed by TREBAX, using MA-plots. MA-plots can reveal the spot artifacts globally and show the intensity-dependent logarithmic ratio of raw microarray data. In MA-plots, we calculate two parameters, average of logarithmic transferred intensity As=(log(Ts)+log(Rs))/2 and logarithmic ratio of intensity Ms=log(Ts/Rs) Here, Ts and Rs are the intensity of target and control experiments for sth spot, respectively.By plotting values of As on the abscissa and Ms on the ordinate of a coordinate system, it is possible to evaluate the bias error with respects to the average logarithmic intensities. Normalized log ratio M’’s is estimated as the difference between Ms and baseline M’s. Here, using a relation between Ms and As, (Ms=f(As)+es, es is the difference between Ms and f(As) for gene s) by MA plot; the baseline for sth spot is estimated by M’=f(A). The genes whose signal intensity is regarded as zero are eliminated in the present analysis. With this methodology, it is assumed that there is no large error due to expression intensity in the majority of the spots and that expression change does not occur on the majority of the spots.
Submission date Oct 14, 2006
Last update date Mar 31, 2011
Contact name Naotake Ogasawara
Organization name Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Street address 8916-5Takayama
City Ikoma
State/province Nara
ZIP/Postal code 630-0192
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL4374
Series (1)
GSE6033 Reference Design time-course

Data table header descriptions
CH1_INTENSITY Cy3 intensity (CH1_MEAN – CH1_BK)-control
CH1_MEAN Cy3 Mean Foreground
CH1_BK Cy3 Mean Background
CH2_INTENSITY Cy5 intensity (CH2_MEAN – CH2_BK)-target
CH2_MEAN Cy5 Mean Foreground
CH2_BK Cy5 Mean Background
VALUE normalized log10 ratio. The intensity signals that are lower than background and are not belong to E.coli K12 genes were excluded and left blank.
AVE_INT Average of intensity (log10(CH1_INTENSITY)+log10(CH2_INTENSITY))/2

Data table
1 534.5765 559.04093 24.46443 491.80882 498.71591 6.90709 0.403721753 2.709903088
2 2506.45977 2533.07006 26.61029 2247.55833 2256.42761 8.86928 0.472176612 3.375385855
3 946.9044 969.9437 23.0393 528.28809 533.59665 5.30856 0.218135925 2.849588477
4 2346.60212 2369.31035 22.70823 381.78421 386.46658 4.68237 -0.289055326 2.976128711
5 142.55168 163.7978 21.24612 53.10851 57.06881 3.9603 -0.037324306 1.939568229
6 205.24515 225.54331 20.29816 131.68427 135.9466 4.26233 0.227886851 2.215903402
7 104.0415 123.79558 19.75408 72.31254 76.23661 3.92407 0.233521101 1.938210111
8 955.32682 975.14092 19.8141 530.39901 534.85915 4.46014 0.216622976 2.852377338
9 173.3754 191.47066 18.09526 118.34923 122.20557 3.85634 0.251036614 2.156076456
10 54.66552 71.97364 17.30812 14.33199 17.82653 3.49454 -0.220350838 1.44700999
11 104.97924 122.55035 17.57111 81.11688 85.04655 3.92967 0.280551042 1.965107331
12 31.16684 48.45124 17.2844 21.74715 25.64471 3.89756
13 2029.70427 2049.002 19.29773 1359.76285 1365.51699 5.75414
14 1444.45576 1462.33927 17.88351 817.1324 821.41064 4.27824
15 70.75628 87.96096 17.20468 83.03063 86.77878 3.74815 0.462180631 1.884501663
16 182.73491 198.5476 15.81269 83.6004 87.17578 3.57538 0.067192167 2.09201494
17 2856.20399 2880.34423 24.14024 1889.53027 1897.71449 8.18422
18 58.00189 80.82705 22.82516 27.04316 33.80082 6.75766 0.051889498 1.597749791
19 16.36056 38.27242 21.91186 10.75373 15.46659 4.71286 0.118775452 1.122678647
20 576.2699 598.07874 21.80884 412.05557 417.32737 5.2718 0.288290042 2.687790863

Total number of rows: 12288

Table truncated, full table size 890 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM140071.txt.gz 310.5 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT

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