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Sample GSM154615 Query DataSets for GSM154615
Status Public on Jun 30, 2007
Title Bovine BL3 cells under normal culture conditions
Sample type SAGE
Anchor NlaIII
Tag Count 72875
Tag Length 10
Source name Bovine BL3 cells
Organism Bos taurus
Characteristics Bovine BL3 cells - B cell lymphosarcoma cell line, nonadherent.
Treatment protocol Normal cells grown under normal culture conditions.
Growth protocol BL3 cells were grown in Leibovitz MEM with Earles salts medium supplemented with 1.4 mM glutamate.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Cells were collected by centrifugation and washed once with PBS. The cell pellet was resuspended and the cells lysed by addition of Trizol Reagent. The total RNA was prepared according to manufacturer's specifications.
Description SAGE library construction was done using the microSAGE protocol.
Data processing Tag sequences were extracted using SAGE 2000 ver. 4.0 software.
Submission date Jan 10, 2007
Last update date Nov 19, 2008
Contact name John D. Neill
Phone 515-663-7730
Organization name National Animal Disease Center
Street address 2300 Dayton Ave.
City Ames
State/province IA
ZIP/Postal code 50010
Country USA
Platform ID GPL223
Series (1)
GSE6704 Gene expression changes in BVDV2-infected BL3 cells

Data table header descriptions
TAG Tag sequence
COUNT Number of times tag sequence appears
TPM tags per million

Data table
CTGGGAAATT 1196 16411.66
TAGGTTGTCT 1002 13749.57
AAAAAAAAAA 951 13049.74
GCCTGATGGG 942 12926.24
GGCTTTGGTC 868 11910.81
GATTCCTAGT 670 9193.83
GGCTTCGGCT 634 8699.83
AAAGAGAGAA 586 8041.17
GCCGGCCCGG 585 8027.44
GAATATTTGT 563 7725.56
TAAGGATCCA 534 7327.62
GCAGAGCTTT 500 6861.06
CAAAAAAAAA 469 6435.68
CGCTGGTTCC 465 6380.79
TACAATTTTT 453 6216.12
TAAAAAAAAA 431 5914.24
GCCGAGGAAG 426 5845.63
AAGCCCAGCG 386 5296.74
GATTCCGTGA 386 5296.74
GCAGAGTTCG 373 5118.35

Total number of rows: 18406

Table truncated, full table size 343 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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