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Sample GSM156008 Query DataSets for GSM156008
Status Public on Mar 06, 2007
Title Cutaneous melanoma cell line EST79
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name EST79
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics none
Biomaterial provider ESTDAB Cell Bank
Growth protocol Cells were grown according to suppliers recommendations
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted using a Machery-Nagel exctraction kit
Label Cy3
Label protocol Samples were labeled using the Invitrogen BioPrime array CGH labeling module
Channel 2
Source name Promega reference male DNA
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics pooled lymphoblastoid genomic DNA from ten male individuals
Biomaterial provider Promega
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol none
Label Cy5
Label protocol Samples were labeled using the Invitrogen BioPrime array CGH labeling module
Hybridization protocol Hybridized and washed as described in J÷nsson et al. (Oncogene 2007)
Scan protocol Scanned in Agilent Microarray scanner
Description Array CGH data for EST79 melanoma cells
Data processing Image analysis was performed using Genepix v4.0. Resultsfile were uploaded into BASE where they were filtered and pin-based lowess normalized
Submission date Jan 17, 2007
Last update date Mar 06, 2007
Contact name Johan Staaf
Organization name SCIBLU - Swegene Centre for Integrative Biology at Lund University
Street address Medicon Village
City Lund
ZIP/Postal code SE-223 81
Country Sweden
Platform ID GPL4723
Series (1)
GSE6779 Genomic Profiling of Malignant Melanoma using tiling resolution array CGH

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF platform spot ID
VALUE normalized log2 ratios (sample 1/sample 2)

Data table
27039 0.014045510011789
22668 -0.023762067997888
6764 -0.3990991356788
13919 0.071391818543189
26310 0.16387619465019
8167 -0.58233401229491
19040 -0.52399047158122
20144 0.032824941637594
32004 0.54238583246597
33434 -0.31097676647862
17422 -0.36144795088247
5024 -0.19406429466852
13823 -0.58196145699444
266 -0.049535369864665
996 0.23727560327849
12918 0.30156190547889
23855 0.40624752201701
3448 0.13318980375702
11285 0.038908998976104

Total number of rows: 32337

Table truncated, full table size 711 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM156008.TXT.gz 303.1 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT

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