Status |
Public on May 05, 2015 |
Title |
hESC-KCL038 |
Sample type |
genomic |
Source name |
Human embryonic stem cells
Organism |
Homo sapiens |
Characteristics |
cell type: embryonic stem cells gender: Male passage: passage 9
Treatment protocol |
Self-renewing conditions.
Growth protocol |
Various self-renewing media and matrices. Media included Essential 8, StemPro, or NutriStem, and matrices included CellStart or Laminin-521.
Extracted molecule |
genomic DNA |
Extraction protocol |
Genomic DNA was isolated from cell pellets using the MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit (Epicentre). Briefly, hES cell pellets were lysed with Tissue and Cell Lysis Solution, followed by Proteinase K and RNase A treatment. Proteins were precipitated with MPC Protein Precipitation Reagent and removed by centrifugation. Genomic DNA was precipitated with isopropanol, pelleted by centrifugation and then resuspended in TE buffer to a final concentration of 50 ng/μl. Purity was checked by spectrophotometry using the NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher).
Label |
C/G-biotin and A/T-DNP
Label protocol |
200ng of genomic DNA (quantified by the PicoGreen assay) was labelled as per the Infinium HD Assay Ultra Protocol Guide
Hybridization protocol |
Labelled fragments were hybridized to Multi BeadChips as per the Infinium HD Assay Ultra Protocol Guide
Scan protocol |
Hybridized beads were scanned with the iScan system and the BeadArray Reader
Description |
Genomic DNA extracted from hES cells was genotyped using Illumina HumanCytoSNP-12 v2.1 BeadChip arrays
Data processing |
Illumina GenomeStudio (v1.94)
Submission date |
May 04, 2015 |
Last update date |
May 05, 2015 |
Contact name |
Tilo Kunath |
E-mail(s) |
Phone |
+44 (0) 131 651 9500
Organization name |
University of Edinburgh
Department |
Centre for Regenerative Medicine
Street address |
5 LIttle France Drive
City |
Edinburgh |
ZIP/Postal code |
EH16 4UU |
Country |
United Kingdom |
Platform ID |
GPL13829 |
Series (1) |
GSE68508 |
Molecular karyotype analysis of 25 clinical-grade human embryonic stem cell lines |