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Sample GSM21016 Query DataSets for GSM21016
Status Public on May 02, 2004
Title Operon apetala1 set1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name apetala1 inflorescences
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name wild-type inflorescences
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Comparison of gene expression profiles of wild-type and apetala1 inflorescences.
The data were processed and normalized as described in Wellmer et al. (2004) Plant Cell 16(5).
Submission date Apr 05, 2004
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Frank Wellmer
Phone 626-395-8438
Organization name California Institute of Technology
Department Biology 156-29
Lab Meyerowitz
Street address 1200 E. California Blvd.
City Pasadena
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 91125
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1077
Series (2)
GSE1270 Operon array expression profile apetala1
GSE1275 Gene expression profiling of Arabidopsis floral homeotic mutants

Data table header descriptions
Intensity1 Absolute intensity measurement for the mutant sample after background subtraction and normalization
Intensity2 Absolute intensity measurement for the wild-type sample after background subtraction and normalization
P-value Value describing the confidence that the element's expression ratio reflects a change in expression not due to measurement errors
VALUE log ratio (log2 of PRE_VALUE)
PRE_VALUE Normalized signal intensity for the wild-type sample divided by normalized signal intensity for the mutant sample

Data table
ID_REF Intensity1 Intensity2 P-value VALUE PRE_VALUE
A000001_01 2.85688 2.51012 0.89097 -0.1212673 0.91938
A000002_01 1.37008 1.31549 0.99132 0.0067653 1.0047
A000003_01 1.5988 1.35673 0.62069 -0.1714503 0.88795
A000004_01 2.36081 2.80084 0.63609 0.3120033 1.24143
A000005_01 0.81807 0.656 0.77964 -0.2530853 0.8391
A000006_01 4.74294 4.68705 0.93505 0.0483203 1.03406
A000007_01 0.73643 0.41029 0.456 -0.7784823 0.58298
A000008_01 0.02699 0.01691 0.49059 -0.6090463 0.65563
A000009_01 0.03585 0.04332 0.52523 0.3384873 1.26443
A000010_01 0.48627 0.19186 0.00325 -1.2763103 0.41285
A000011_01 0.20721 0.28381 0.41107 0.5193003 1.43326
A000012_01 0.97369 1.07335 0.71465 0.2060053 1.15349
A000013_01 0.68838 0.88142 0.20393 0.4220283 1.33981
A000014_01 0.11311 0.08779 0.36615 -0.3002003 0.81214
A000015_01 2.59104 1.66568 0.206 -0.5720083 0.67268
A000016_01 1.11767 1.05756 0.97336 -0.0143253 0.99012
A000017_01 1.95473 1.94703 0.85803 0.0597293 1.04227
A000018_01 0.01933 0.01179 0.45981 -0.6474673 0.6384
A000019_01 0.20842 0.27844 0.1457 0.4833023 1.39794
A000020_01 0.86366 0.96339 0.5019 0.2230643 1.16721

Total number of rows: 26933

Table truncated, full table size 1382 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM21016.GPR.gz 1.9 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR

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