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Sample GSM21773 Query DataSets for GSM21773
Status Public on Jun 12, 2004
Title EV23, Wild-type versus ddm1/+ backcross mRNA
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Wild-type poly(A)+ mRNA
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name ddm1/+ poly(A)+ mRNA
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Wild-type and ddm1/+ backcrossed bolting plants
Total RNA was extracted with Trizol (Invitrogen) from plants, following the manufacturer's instructions. Polyadenylated RNA were then extracted from total RNA with either the MicroPoly(A)purist (Ambion) or the Dynabeads kit (oligo(dT)25, Dynal). For each hybridization experiment, 1ug of poly(A)+ WT and ddm1 RNA were labeled using an indirect labeling procedure. The probes were synthesized from poly(A)+ RNA using random and oligodT primers and Superscript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) to incorporate amine-modified nucleotides (amino allyl-dUTP; Sigma). cDNA samples were purified, concentrated using Microcon 30 spin columns (Millipore) and dried.
Dried cDNA were resuspended in Sodium Bicarbonate buffer 0.05M, pH 9.0 and coupled with Cy5 (Wild-type) or Cy3 (ddm1/+) amine reactive dyes (Amersham). The labeled cDNA were purified using the Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit and concentrated with Microcon 30 spin columns.
For hybridization, the sample volume was brought to 25ul with a final concentration of 4X SSC, 0.2% SDS. Microarrays were hybridized at 65°C, for approximately 15 hr and washed once in 1XSSC, 0.2%SDS and twice in 0.2XSSC.
Slides were pre-hybridized in BSA 1%, SDS 0.1% for 1 hour before hybridization.
Slides were then scanned with a GenePix 4000A scanner (Axon Instruments). We quantified the fluorescence with the GenePix Pro software.
Sample_series_id: EV23+24
Submission date Apr 21, 2004
Last update date Oct 28, 2005
Contact name Matthew Wayne Vaughn
Phone (512) 232-7124
Organization name University of Texas at Austin
Department Texas Advanced Computing Center
Lab Vaughn
Street address 10100 Burnet Rd
City Austin
State/province TX
ZIP/Postal code 78758
Country USA
Platform ID GPL785
Series (2)
GSE1324 EV23+24 mRNA levels in Wild-type versus ddm1/+ backcross bolting Arabidopsis thaliana plants
GSE1354 mRNA levels in Wild-type versus ddm1 Arabidopsis thaliana

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Spot name
F635_MEDIAN Cy5 channel foreground median
F635_MEAN Cy5 channel foreground mean
F635_SD Cy5 channel foreground stdev
B635_MEDIAN Cy5 channel background median
B635_MEAN Cy5 channel background mean
B635_SD Cy5 channel background stdev
PCT_GT_B635+1SD Percent Cy5 channel background > 1 stdev
PCT_GT_B635+2SD Percent Cy5 channel background > 2 stdev
F532_MEDIAN Cy3 channel foreground median
F532_MEAN Cy3 channel foreground mean
F532_SD Cy3 channel foreground stdev
B532_MED Cy3 channel background median
B532_MEAN Cy3 channel background mean
B532_SD Cy3 channel background stdev
PCT_GT_B532+1SD Percent Cy3 channel background > 1 stdev
PCT_GT_B532+2SD Percent Cy3 channel background > 2 stdev
VALUE Natural log of ratio of means
F635_MEDIAN-B635 Foreground median Cy5 - Background Cy5
F532_MEDIAN-B532 Foreground median Cy3 - Background Cy3
F635_MEAN-B635 Foreground mean Cy5 - Background Cy5
F532_MEAN-B532 Foreground mean Cy3 - Background Cy3
FLAGS Present:0, Absent:-50

Data table
pc13a09F.1044.4.2387459.T4B21_1 81 82 17 84 85 18 12 1 89 91 27 90 94 44 8 0 1.585 -3 -1 -2 1 -50
pc03b01F.977.4.1409029.F4C21_1 661 736 373 85 86 17 100 100 1298 1349 627 94 96 32 100 100 -1.064 576 1204 651 1255 0
pc03b03F.1001.4.1410945.F4C21_1 447 423 156 83 84 18 100 98 793 723 320 70 75 27 100 100 -0.990 364 723 340 653 0
pc03b05F.990.4.1413204.F4C21_1 270 303 140 83 85 17 98 94 358 405 202 86 89 31 100 94 -0.541 187 272 220 319 0
pc03b07F.983.4.1415196.F4C21_1 2569 2608 984 83 86 20 100 100 4098 3919 1341 87 91 35 100 100 -0.690 2486 4011 2525 3832 0
pc03b09F.960.4.1417276.F4C21_1 197 206 51 94 96 23 100 93 234 245 73 80 88 51 96 81 -0.580 103 154 112 165 0
pc03b11F.994.4.1419153.F4C21_1 310 309 91 93 93 20 100 94 471 487 177 78 81 26 100 100 -0.857 217 393 216 409 0
pc03d01F.1198.4.1433545.F4C21_1 95 96 21 96 97 20 15 4 105 107 37 82 84 27 41 22 0 -1 23 0 25 -50
pc03d03F.977.4.1435723.F4C21_1 93 97 21 96 98 22 12 4 84 85 26 80 82 27 18 4 0 -3 4 1 5 -50
pc03d05F.989.4.1437691.F4C21_1 190 190 57 93 94 24 88 78 213 240 104 77 80 26 96 90 -0.488 97 136 97 163 0
pc03d07F.1091.4.1439632.F4C21_1 3044 3382 2081 94 97 23 100 100 3774 4417 2832 80 82 26 100 100 -0.324 2950 3694 3288 4337 0
pc03d09F.908.4.1441784.F4C21_1 124 137 49 93 96 22 65 33 149 154 53 79 81 25 82 67 -1.175 31 70 44 75 0
pc03d11F.980.4.1443801.F4C21_1 289 317 134 92 95 20 100 98 530 613 355 76 81 29 100 98 -1.204 197 454 225 537 0
pc03f01F.989.4.1458066.F4C21_1 123 128 32 94 96 21 58 35 552 864 748 78 84 34 100 96 -4.031 29 474 34 786 0
pc03f03F.1000.4.1460097.F4C21_1 140 151 45 90 91 19 85 65 3155 3092 1710 75 79 25 100 100 -5.945 50 3080 61 3017 0
pc03f05F.1029.4.1462184.F4C21_1 124 118 26 93 94 19 62 25 215 211 69 75 79 26 93 90 -2.175 31 140 25 136 0
pc03f07F.939.4.1464333.F4C21_1 192 196 67 94 95 20 90 76 892 1431 1223 76 79 27 100 100 -3.058 98 816 102 1355 0
pc03f09F.1002.4.1466314.F4C21_1 211 207 55 94 95 21 100 90 248 227 74 78 80 28 93 87 -0.539 117 170 113 149 0
pc03f11F.986.4.1468378.F4C21_1 102 103 24 95 98 32 14 2 95 101 46 75 83 91 10 0 -1.515 7 20 8 26 -50
pc03h01F.909.4.1482593.F4C21_1 139 144 42 93 95 21 69 53 171 185 82 76 77 26 92 73 -1.046 46 95 51 109 0

Total number of rows: 5748

Table truncated, full table size 608 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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