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Sample GSM21921 Query DataSets for GSM21921
Status Public on Sep 01, 2004
Title B73Ch1greenUV2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name B73 seedling leaf2and3 ultraviolet treatment
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name B73 seedling leaf2and3 control
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Inbred lines B73 and Mo17, from the same stocks used to create the IBM mapping lines, were kindly supplied by M. Lee. These lines were increased in the field nursery at Clayton, NC. Individual seeds were placed one per 6 cm pot filled with vermiculite, at a density of 36 pots per flat, and grown in the greenhouse without supplemental lighting for ten days to the two-leaf stage. The greenhouse photosynthetically active radiation levels are ~20% less than outdoor radiation. The two lines were then exposed to 4 h of ultraviolet radiation from UV313 bulbs (Q Panel, Westlake, OH, USA) suspended about 30 cm above the plants. The UV dose was measured at plant height using the UV-B sensor on an International Light radiometer Model IL1400A (International Light, Newburyport, MA); the treatment plants received a total UV dose of 86 Jm-2. Control plants were placed under UV313 bulbs that were covered with polyester (MylarD, US Plastics, Lima, OH, USA), which transmits visible light but excludes UV-B. After UV irradiation the UV bulbs were turned off and the plants were allowed to recover for 4 h in the greenhouse. The second and third seedling leaf from each of four plants was harvested and dropped immediately into liquid nitrogen. Pooling assured sufficient RNA and also decreases biological variability. Total RNA was extracted from frozen tissue using Trizol (Invitrogen Co., Carlsbad, CA), as described in the microarray manufacturer’s protocol ( PolyA-plus messenger RNA was prepared from the total RNA using a Qiagen Oligotex kit (Qiagen Corp., Valencia, CA). Poly(A)+ RNA was isolated using Oligotex (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA), and 4 mg of poly (A)+ RNA was used for each cDNA synthesis using Superscript II reverse transcriptase (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). cDNA was labeled using 100 mM Cy5-dUTP or Cy3-dUTP (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Piscataway, NJ). Excess nucleotides and primers were removed using QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). About 95% of the spotted cDNAs showed significant hybridization when leaf mRNA was used for the experiments. The control sample was labeled with Cy5-dUTP fluorescent dye and the UV treatment sample was labeled with Cy3-dUTP (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Piscataway, NJ, USA). Two samples, one labeled with each dye, were mixed and then hybridized to a microarray for 15 h at 60°C. The slides were washed in three wash steps: 2x SSC, 0.5% SDS; 0.5x SSC; and 0.05x SSC. The three washes were at room temperature for 5 min each with gentle shaking. The slides were scanned with a GenePix 4000B Scanner (Axon Instruments Inc., Union City, CA). Normalization between the Cy3 and Cy5 fluorescent dye emission channels was achieved by adjusting the levels of both image intensities. Scanalyze (Eisen, was used to quantify the image files from the scanner.
Keywords = ultraviolet maize corn seedling leaf
Submission date Apr 29, 2004
Last update date May 05, 2009
Contact name Ann Stapleton
Phone 910 962-7267
Organization name University of North Carolina Wilmington
Department Biological Sciences
Street address 601 S. College
City Wilmington
State/province NC
ZIP/Postal code 29403
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1208
Series (1)
GSE1353 splitplotnestedANOVA

Data table header descriptions
GRID print-tip group
VALUE Derived by taking the log base 2 of the median of ratios (MRAT). This does not include standardization across all arrays, so these values are not directly comparable to values from other arrays in this experiment.

Data table
1 1 1349 283 341 1055 205 250 156 1156 -0.2719493 0.8282 0.7416 0.9742 0.7559 0.7179 0.75 0.4359 0.5 0.2077 0.2545 0 0.3991 7.29E-20 0.3983 8.63E-20
2 1 1236 280 338 948 207 248 156 955 -0.2928293 0.8163 0.7479 0.9774 0.7605 0.7372 0.6603 0.4103 0.4295 0.2153 0.2509 0 0.3589 9.05E-16 0.3519 3.58E-15
3 1 1190 277 340 892 204 262 156 933 -0.3508903 0.7841 0.7471 0.9708 0.7637 0.7308 0.6731 0.4038 0.4231 0.2105 0.2473 0 0.3492 6.72E-15 0.346 1.23E-14
4 1 7592 278 350 4492 202 268 156 984 -0.7304883 0.6027 0.5773 0.9795 0.5835 0.8718 0.8526 0.6474 0.7115 0.4018 0.4003 0 0.6069 1.82E-44 0.6008 1.39E-43
5 1 7485 278 324 4553 197 245 156 1010 -0.7238013 0.6055 0.594 0.9836 0.5992 0.891 0.8526 0.6795 0.7436 0.3722 0.3955 0 0.6428 0.00E+00 0.6318 0.00E+00
6 1 7479 271 298 4498 201 227 156 1054 -0.6850143 0.622 0.588 0.987 0.592 0.8974 0.859 0.6731 0.7244 0.3671 0.3574 0 0.6482 0.00E+00 0.6413 0.00E+00
7 1 1421 267 308 1170 206 243 156 1069 -0.2162503 0.8608 0.8004 0.977 0.8155 0.8846 0.8397 0.6603 0.6923 0.2527 0.2861 0 0.6248 0.00E+00 0.6256 0.00E+00
8 1 1134 264 317 943 206 250 156 1092 -0.2309053 0.8521 0.8458 0.9586 0.8776 0.9103 0.8718 0.7564 0.7628 0.2099 0.2329 0 0.707 0.00E+00 0.6914 0.00E+00
9 1 1346 262 285 1088 201 221 156 1120 -0.3081093 0.8077 0.7943 0.9577 0.8226 0.9231 0.891 0.8013 0.8013 0.247 0.2668 0 0.7691 0.00E+00 0.7536 0.00E+00
10 1 2320 265 279 3909 199 214 156 1117 0.9267593 1.901 1.765 0.991 1.79 0.7756 0.8269 0.4872 0.6346 0.3357 0.4121 0 0.4806 1.71E-28 0.5285 2.25E-34
11 1 2452 261 278 4331 196 213 156 1075 0.9022673 1.869 1.895 0.9814 1.952 0.8141 0.8397 0.5256 0.6603 0.3464 0.4278 0 0.5487 7.58E-37 0.5597 2.57E-38
12 1 2181 261 275 4062 194 212 156 1053 0.9671693 1.955 2.028 0.9747 2.114 0.8141 0.8462 0.5192 0.6923 0.3304 0.4225 0 0.5394 1.57E-35 0.5812 3.52E-41
13 1 4180 260 266 5350 192 205 156 1050 0.3762903 1.298 1.306 0.99 1.323 0.9744 0.9423 0.859 0.8974 0.3112 0.3224 0 0.8547 0.00E+00 0.8496 0.00E+00
14 1 4147 262 279 5267 196 220 156 1104 0.3729523 1.295 1.274 0.9843 1.3 0.891 0.9295 0.8205 0.8526 0.2933 0.3159 0 0.8007 0.00E+00 0.8081 0.00E+00
15 1 4144 261 276 5351 195 214 156 1103 0.4340283 1.351 1.307 0.9881 1.327 0.9359 0.9423 0.8526 0.891 0.3163 0.3472 0 0.8317 0.00E+00 0.8411 0.00E+00
16 1 435 258 262 266 195 201 156 1009 -0.9584773 0.5146 0.2713 0.4132 0.4004 0.8846 0.7179 0.6474 0.3782 0.1156 0.13 1 0.6596 0.00E+00 0.3495 4.41E-15
17 1 435 257 261 258 193 200 156 1009 -0.9584773 0.5146 0.2699 0.4453 0.3687 0.8462 0.7051 0.609 0.3654 0.1186 0.1347 1 0.6156 0.00E+00 0.2881 2.20E-10
18 1 435 255 259 263 196 203 156 997 -1.0478163 0.4837 0.2998 0.4491 0.4375 0.8462 0.7308 0.6474 0.3846 0.1093 0.1292 1 0.6396 0.00E+00 0.3184 1.44E-12
19 1 1518 253 261 1754 196 208 156 1005 0.3010023 1.232 1.222 0.9788 1.254 0.891 0.8462 0.6859 0.7244 0.2507 0.2929 0 0.675 0.00E+00 0.6745 0.00E+00
20 1 1275 252 268 1415 193 215 156 1019 0.2338883 1.176 1.184 0.9766 1.218 0.8654 0.891 0.6731 0.7115 0.2381 0.2833 0 0.6515 0.00E+00 0.6516 0.00E+00

Total number of rows: 17296

Table truncated, full table size 2570 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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