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Sample GSM220166 Query DataSets for GSM220166
Status Public on May 07, 2008
Title Tig3 human fibroblast cells, LaminB1 DamID, platform chr4
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name Tig3 Human fibroblast cells, expressing LaminB1-Dam
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics LaminB1-Dam (EXPERIMENTAL)
Treatment protocol Tig3 cells are transducted with the lentiviruses. gDNA is harvested after 3 days incubation
Growth protocol see Nat Protoc. 2007;2(6):1467-78. for detailed growth, treatment, and extraction protocols. In short: lentivirus is transfected in, and harvested from 293Tcells, grown in DMEM + 10% FCS + Pen/Strep
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol gDNA is isolated using the Dneasy Tissuekit
Label Cy5,Cy3
Label protocol Samples were labeled by NimbleGen Systems, Reykjavik, Iceland
Channel 2
Source name Tig3 Human fibroblast cells, expressing Dam
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics Dam (REFERENCE)
Treatment protocol Tig3 cells are transducted with the lentiviruses. gDNA is harvested after 3 days incubation
Growth protocol see Nat Protoc. 2007;2(6):1467-78. for detailed growth, treatment, and extraction protocols. In short: lentivirus is transfected in, and harvested from 293Tcells, grown in DMEM + 10% FCS + Pen/Strep
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol gDNA is isolated using the Dneasy Tissuekit
Label Cy3,Cy5
Label protocol Samples were labeled by NimbleGen Systems, Reykjavik, Iceland
Hybridization protocol Samples were hybridized by NimbleGen Systems, Reykjavik, Iceland
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned by NimbleGen Systems, Reykjavik, Iceland
Description na
Data processing The log2-ratio of Dam-Fusion signal over Dam-only signal was calculated. Subsequently, normalization was applied within arrays using loess. All 16 arrays were median and variance normalized on the basis of the common 9731 probes on all 16 arrays. Replicate samples in reverse dye orientation were averaged. Finally, the median over the entire array set was subtracted from the data. 8 data files are included which give the final normalized values (GPLxxx_norm_value.tsv)
Submission date Aug 22, 2007
Last update date Aug 14, 2011
Contact name Bas van Steensel
Phone + 31 20 512 2040
Fax +31 20 669 1383
Organization name Netherlands Cancer Institute
Department division of Molecular Biology
Lab van Steensel group
Street address Plesmanlaan 121
City Amsterdam
ZIP/Postal code 1066 CX
Country Netherlands
Platform ID GPL5729
Series (2)
GSE8854 Domain organization of human chromosomes revealed by mapping of nuclear lamina interactions
GSE51334 DNA replication-timing boundaries separate stable chromosome domains with cell-type-specific functions

Data table header descriptions
VALUE The log2-ratio of Dam-Fusion signal over Dam-only signal

Data table
4574_0425_0653 -0.469151720419529
4574_0427_0653 -0.439758143351508
4574_0429_0653 -0.344733317911597
4574_0431_0653 0.323381321839985
4574_0433_0653 -0.0497643856555936
4574_0435_0653 -0.846732238015321
4574_0437_0653 -0.664261698250335
4574_0439_0653 -0.315810328412459
4574_0441_0653 0.019224045985786
4574_0443_0653 0.0777009144602532
4574_0445_0653 1.00936809145933
4574_0447_0653 0.0823298701387938
4574_0449_0653 -0.262246985391972
4574_0451_0653 -1.21339828089086
4574_0453_0653 -0.519366222503796
4574_0455_0653 0.0163602900968663
4574_0457_0653 0.0421720973107132
4574_0459_0653 0.708013943702902
4574_0461_0653 0.161717937297301
4574_0463_0653 -0.449858835149324

Total number of rows: 392714

Table truncated, full table size 12777 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM220166_89528_rawdata.tsv.gz 3.3 Mb (ftp)(http) TSV
GSM220166_95039_rawdata.tsv.gz 3.4 Mb (ftp)(http) TSV
Processed data included within Sample table

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