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Sample GSM2384909 Query DataSets for GSM2384909
Status Public on Sep 18, 2017
Title IMCD3_starved_rep2-1
Sample type RNA
Source name IMCD3_starved_technical replicate of replicate2
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics cell line: IMCD3
Treatment protocol Cells on two dishes were serum-starved in order to induce ciliogenesis by growing them for 48 h in medium lacking FCS before harvest (serum-starved IMCD3). Cells on two other dishes were split 1:10 the day before collection and did not reach confluency by the time of harvest (unstarved IMCD3).
Growth protocol IMCD3 cells (CRL-2123, ATCC) were grown in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS; Biochrom), F12 (Invitrogen), 1x Glutamax (Gibco) and 1x Pen/Strep (Gibco) on 10 cm tissue culture dishes.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy Micro or Mini Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions (including DNase digest). Total RNA was eluted in 40 µl H2O resulting in a concentration of 330 - 990 ng/µl.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Synthesis of Cy3- or Cy5-labelled cRNA was performed with the ‘Quick Amp Labeling kit, two color’ (#5190-0444, Agilent Technologies) according to the manufacturer’s recommendations using 500 ng of total RNA.
Hybridization protocol cRNA fragmentation, hybridisation and washing steps were carried out as recommended in the ‘Two-Color Microarray-Based Gene Expression Analysis Protocol V5.7’ (Agilent), except that 3000 ng of each labelled cRNA population were used for hybridisation.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned using the Agilent Micro Array Scanner G2565BA at two different photomultiplier tube (PMT) settings (100 % and 5 %) to increase the dynamic range of the measurement (extended dynamic range mode).
Data processing Data extraction and processing of raw fluorescence intensity values were performed with the ‘Feature Extraction software V9.5.3.1’ by using the extraction protocol file: GE2-v5_95_Feb07.xml. Measurements of on-chip replicated features were averaged using the geometric mean of processed intensity values from both channels, ‘gProcessedSignal’ (gPS) and ‘rProcessedSignal’ (rPS), separately to retrieve one resulting value per unique non-control probe. Single features were excluded from averaging if they i) were manually flagged, ii) were identified as outliers by the Feature Extraction software, iii) lay outside the interval of ‘1.42 x interquartile range‘ regarding the PS distribution of the respective on-chip replicate population, or iv) showed a coefficient of variation of pixel intensities per feature that exceeded 0.5. For inter-array normalisation, PS values were further transformed as follows: All PS values (gPS and rPS) of one particular microarray (‘Array i’ in the formula shown below) were multiplied with a microarray-specific scaling factor. This factor was calculated by dividing a ‘reference 75th percentile value’ (targeted at 1500 for the whole series) by the 75th percentile of the gPS values calculated by the Feature Extraction software for that microarray. Accordingly, normalised PS values (nPS) for all samples (microarray data sets) were calculated by the following formula: normalised PSArray i = PSArray i x (1500 / 75th Percentile gPSArray i) Finally, a lower intensity threshold was defined as 1% of the reference 75th percentile value (= 15). All nPS values below this intensity cutoff were substituted by the surrogate value of 15.
Submission date Nov 06, 2016
Last update date Sep 18, 2017
Contact name Oliver Dittrich-Breiholz
Organization name Medical School Hannover
Department Research Core Unit Genomics
Street address Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
City Hannover
ZIP/Postal code 30625
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL7202
Series (2)
GSE89584 Identification of FOXJ1 effectors during ciliogenesis in the fetal respiratory epithelium and embryonic left-right organizer of the mouse - IMCD3 screen
GSE89717 Identification of FOXJ1 effectors during ciliogenesis in the fetal respiratory epithelium and embryonic left-right organizer of the mouse

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized processed intensity values (non-logarithmic) of non-control probes.

Data table
A_52_P616356 15
A_52_P580582 49.587254
A_52_P403405 15
A_52_P819156 15
A_51_P331831 106.86746
A_51_P430630 15
A_52_P502357 15
A_52_P299964 19.672255
A_51_P356389 53.760765
A_52_P684402 847.63184
A_51_P414208 15
A_51_P280918 753.75104
A_52_P613688 15
A_52_P258194 26.338285
A_52_P229271 121.26485
A_52_P214630 1297.8162
A_52_P579519 2127.4602
A_52_P979997 15
A_52_P453864 15
A_52_P655842 15

Total number of rows: 41174

Table truncated, full table size 813 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2384909_M2970_copy2.txt.gz 15.6 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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