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Sample GSM2440442 Query DataSets for GSM2440442
Status Public on Jan 06, 2017
Title LPHN2-sh cells that underwent cardiac differentiation at day 4
Sample type protein
Source name cardiac differentiated cell from LPHN2-sh PSC
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics genotype/variation: LPHN2-sh
cell type: cardiac differentiated cell
time: day 4
Extracted molecule protein
Extraction protocol 10~40mg of tissues were washed with cold 1X PBS. And tissue samples were homogenized with Extracting buffer (Fullmoon Bio). Debris was removed from tissue extract with centrifuge.
Label biotin
Label protocol 50ug of Tissue extract was labeled with Biotin and label buffer (Fullmoon Bio).
Hybridization protocol Biotin labeled extract was hybridized with antibody-spotted slide for 2hr at room temperature. After hybridization, slide was washed with 1X wash buffer (Fullmoon Bio) and de-ionized water. Detection Buffer including Cy3-Streptavidin (fullmoon Bio) was treated for 20min at room temperature. And slide was washed with 1X wash buffer (Fullmoon Bio) and de-ionized water.
Scan protocol Scanned on an Axon 4000B scanner.
Description LPHN2-Sh (4d)
Data processing GenePix Software (v 6.1) was used for data extraction and Genowiz software (v was used for global normalization.
Submission date Dec 27, 2016
Last update date Jan 06, 2017
Contact name Choon-Soo Lee
Phone 82-10-7323-1391
Organization name Seoul National University Hospital
Street address 28 Yongon-Dong, Jongno-gu
City Seoul
ZIP/Postal code 110-744
Country South Korea
Platform ID GPL18873
Series (1)
GSE92923 Adhesion GPCR, latrophilin-2, specifies cardiac lineage commitment through CDK5, Src, and P38MAPK

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Global normalized signal intensity

Data table
1_4_1 9.778521
1_5_1 9.697118
1_6_1 9.870099
1_7_1 10.714654
1_8_1 10.287289
1_9_1 9.84975
1_10_1 9.564838
1_11_1 8.832213
1_12_1 9.859924
1_13_1 9.106947
1_14_1 9.452909
1_15_1 8.750811
1_16_1 9.951502
1_17_1 9.442734
1_18_1 9.982029
1_19_1 9.941328
1_1_2 10.195712
1_2_2 10.022731
1_3_2 9.422384
1_4_2 10.30764

Total number of rows: 1323

Table truncated, full table size 20 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2440442_LPHN2-Sh_4d_.gpr.gz 100.7 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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