This library represents a Cancer Genome Anatomy Project libray, which was either produced through CGAP funding, or donated to CGAP. The Cancer Genome Anatomy project (CGAP: is an interdisplinary program established and administered by the National Cancer Institute (NCI: to generate the information and technological tools needed to decipher the molecular anatomy of the cancer cell. Swarm rat chondrosarcoma TGO is a subcutaneously grown rat chondrosarcoma that is derived from a subcutaneous transplantation of the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma tissue line TG0 into Sprague-Dawley male rats. The subcutaneously grown Swarm rat chondrosarcoma tissue was harvested 3 weeks after initial tumor transplantation. mRNA was isolated from the rat chondrosarcoma using Trizol, followed by the use of a direct mRNA extraction kit. Vector: pUC-18 R. Site1:Sma1 R. Site2:Sma1 Keywords = Subcutaneous Swarm rat chondrosarcoma tibia tumor