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Sample GSM265502 Query DataSets for GSM265502
Status Public on Mar 12, 2008
Title 129X1/SvJ 119905_SOM01GFG
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name 129X1/SvJ
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics sex: male
tissue: kidney
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Phenol chloroform. DNA pooled from 2-6 animals.
Label Cy3 532
Label protocol see PMID 16075461
Channel 2
Source name C57BL/6J
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics sex: male
tissue: kidney
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Phenol chloroform
Label Cy5 635
Label protocol see PMID 16075461
Hybridization protocol see PMID 16075461
Scan protocol see PMID 16075461
Description 129X1/SvJ 119905_SOM01GFG
Data processing normalization: qspline
Submission date Feb 13, 2008
Last update date Feb 09, 2009
Contact name Patrick Cahan
Organization name Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Department ICE and Biomedical Engineering
Lab Cahan Lab
Street address 733 North Broadway, MRB 653
City Baltimore
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 21205
Country USA
Platform ID GPL6436
Series (2)
GSE10511 wuHMM: a robust algorithm to detect DNA copy number variation using long oligonucleotide microarray data
GSE10656 The impact of copy number variation on local gene expression in mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF probe_id
cy3_532 normalized test signal intensity (log2)
cy5_635 normalized reference signal intensity (log2)
cy3_532r raw test signal intensity (log2)
cy5_635r raw reference signal intensity (log2)
VALUE normalized log2-ratio test/reference

Data table
ID_REF cy3_532 cy5_635 cy3_532r cy5_635r VALUE
CHR01FS003000493 10.06400 10.03600 10.15200 9.86100 0.02800
CHR01FS003001483 12.01800 12.37800 11.99800 12.41000 -0.36000
CHR01FS003002372 9.99000 10.19700 10.09000 10.05700 -0.20700
CHR01FS003003467 10.90200 10.58500 10.91100 10.51000 0.31700
CHR01FS003004467 11.49300 11.39200 11.47800 11.39200 0.10100
CHR01FS003017692 12.28000 12.09400 12.26100 12.12100 0.18600
CHR01FS003018614 11.09600 10.86600 11.09500 10.82400 0.23000
CHR01FS003019781 12.71400 12.65900 12.70200 12.69400 0.05500
CHR01FS003020661 11.45500 11.36100 11.44200 11.36000 0.09400
CHR01FS003022724 11.74900 11.42500 11.73000 11.42800 0.32400
CHR01FS003023789 11.29900 11.42600 11.29000 11.42900 -0.12800
CHR01FS003025855 10.37100 10.62600 10.42300 10.55600 -0.25500
CHR01FS003026905 10.04800 10.04500 10.13900 9.87200 0.00300
CHR01FS003027760 10.80200 10.67400 10.81700 10.61100 0.12800
CHR01FS003034893 11.97300 11.58100 11.95300 11.59100 0.39200
CHR01FS003035973 11.14400 10.92300 11.14100 10.88800 0.22100
CHR01FS003036888 10.29400 10.41400 10.35400 10.31400 -0.12000
CHR01FS003037908 12.06800 12.32200 12.04800 12.35200 -0.25300
CHR01FS003039052 9.13600 8.64900 9.42800 7.71300 0.48700
CHR01FS003040093 10.35400 10.07900 10.40800 9.91300 0.27500

Total number of rows: 2149887

Table truncated, full table size 128229 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM265502_119905_SOM01GFG_532.pair.gz 35.9 Mb (ftp)(http) PAIR
GSM265502_119905_SOM01GFG_635.pair.gz 35.9 Mb (ftp)(http) PAIR
Processed data included within Sample table

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