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Sample GSM2672148 Query DataSets for GSM2672148
Status Public on Jun 16, 2020
Title 4433719008_G: whole blood-HIV-Control
Sample type RNA
Source name whole blood-HIV-Control
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: whole blood
dataset: HIV
sample class: Control
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was extracted with MagMAX™ RNA Isolation Kit
Label biotin
Label protocol biotin Biotinylated cRNA were prepared with the Illumina® TotalPrep-96 RNA Amplification Kit
Hybridization protocol Standard Illumina hybridization protocol
Scan protocol tandard Illumina scanning protocol with BeadArray Reader 500X
Data processing The data were normalised using average normalization with Genome Studio
Submission date Jun 19, 2017
Last update date Mar 16, 2023
Contact name Nicole Baldwin
Organization name Baylor Research Institute
Street address 3434 Live Oak St
City Dallas
ZIP/Postal code 75204
Country USA
Platform ID GPL6884
Series (2)
GSE100150 A Transcriptome Fingerprinting Assay for Clinical Immune Monitoring
GSE100151 A Transcriptome Fingerprinting Assay for Clinical Immune Monitoring (HIV Datasets)

Data table header descriptions
VALUE The data were normalised using average normalization with Genome Studio
Detection Pval

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Detection Pval
ILMN_1708238 -4.6535 0.7997
ILMN_1711886 86.9659 0.0013
ILMN_1759828 25.8305 0.0092
ILMN_1674376 10.1573 0.058
ILMN_1711888 2.4354 0.2464
ILMN_2111932 -2.7722 0.635
ILMN_1686362 -3.6956 0.7128
ILMN_1723874 1836.5758 0
ILMN_1662391 -0.736 0.4572
ILMN_1662390 -3.1223 0.6614
ILMN_1686361 -3.1934 0.6653
ILMN_1686360 54.8857 0.0013
ILMN_1723871 68.1699 0.0013
ILMN_2086417 500.5146 0
ILMN_1686367 2997.6353 0
ILMN_1662397 -6.4515 0.9078
ILMN_1721218 -0.3725 0.4308
ILMN_1711883 -1.2174 0.4993
ILMN_2351611 376.5698 0
ILMN_1674373 2.8204 0.224

Total number of rows: 48803

Table truncated, full table size 1281 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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