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Sample GSM271343 Query DataSets for GSM271343
Status Public on Mar 07, 2008
Title MCF10AT2
Sample type genomic
Source name MCF10AT2 cell line
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics none
Growth protocol Cells were grown in the media recommended by the providers. MCFDCIS cells were injected subcutaneously into 6-9 week old female nude mice alone or together with 2-3 fold excess of HME, RASF, PBS, or PBTS cells in 50% Matrigel. Tumors were allowed to grow for 3-8 weeks.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol We use the guanidinium thiocyanate/cesium chloride centrifugation method to isolate RNA/DNA from large amounts of tissue/cells and the mMACS mRNA isolation kit for small amounts (less than 1 million cells). The DNA fraction was extracted with PC8, treated with proteinase K and isopropanol precipitated.
Label biotin
Label protocol standard Affymetrix protocol
Hybridization protocol SNP array hybridizations were performed by the Dana-Farber Microarray Core using Affymetrix 11K XbaI or 250K StyI SNP arrays and protocols recommended by Affymetrix
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned using a confocal laser scanner, and Affymetrix genotyping software (Affymetrix GeneChip 5.0) was used to make allele calls for all loci.
Description Affymetrix 11K XbaI SNP array
Data processing Data were then analyzed using dChip or genepattern software.
Submission date Mar 06, 2008
Last update date Mar 06, 2008
Contact name Kornelia Polyak
Phone 617-632-2106
Organization name Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Department Medical Oncology
Lab Polyak
Street address 450 Brookline Ave
City Boston
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02215
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1266
Series (1)
GSE10747 Analysis of genetic changes in MCF10A series cells and MCFDCIS derived xenografts

Data table header descriptions
VALUE copy number (dChip)
LOH L - loss, R - retention, N - no call (dChip)
RAS 1 relative allele signal 1 (GCOS)
RAS 2 relative allele signal 2 (GCOS)
Call genotype (GCOS)
Call Zone call zone score (GCOS)

Data table
SNP_A-1507322 1.47937 R 1 0.9305 AA 0.143765
SNP_A-1507323 1.99104 R 0.5846 0.5317 AB 0.166086
SNP_A-1507325 3.57796 R 0.5609 0.3515 AB 0.471663
SNP_A-1507326 2.59015 R 0.7635 0.8292 NoCall 0.944374
SNP_A-1507327 1.70056 R 0.2836 0.5571 AB 0.235849
SNP_A-1507328 1.59507 R 0.6917 0.5939 AB 0.021456
SNP_A-1507329 2.45828 R 0.4649 0.4089 AB 0.215084
SNP_A-1507330 6.30959 R 0.5903 0.6183 AB 0.338806
SNP_A-1507331 3.62057 R 0.0093 0.0044 BB 0.318498
SNP_A-1507332 2.58398 R 0.4218 0.5195 AB 0.419027
SNP_A-1507335 2.09684 R 0.1718 0.0936 BB 0.170901
SNP_A-1507336 2.03595 R 0.9319 0.9364 AA 0.734647
SNP_A-1507337 1.95613 R 0.9944 0.9051 AA 0.600262
SNP_A-1507338 1.08409 R 0.9861 1 AA 0.199043
SNP_A-1507339 2.21329 R 0.3944 0.549 AB 0.134717
SNP_A-1507340 2.79501 R 0.351 0.2928 AB 0.287083
SNP_A-1507341 3.77826 R 1 0.9955 AA 0.131816
SNP_A-1507342 0.609087 R 0.9658 0.9616 AA 0.205725
SNP_A-1507343 1.96774 R 0.4753 0.4131 AB 0.05518
SNP_A-1507344 2.55533 R 0 0.028 BB 0.07557

Total number of rows: 11205

Table truncated, full table size 508 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM271343.CEL.gz 3.8 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM271343.TXT.gz 357.0 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file
Processed data are available on Series record

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