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Sample GSM27234 Query DataSets for GSM27234
Status Public on Nov 01, 2005
Title spt4d.1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name OY94 (wt) @ 39 deg
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name GHY524 (spt4D) @ 39 deg
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Reference and mutant strains grown at 30oC to 1-2 x 10exp7 cells/ml. shifted to 39 deg for 45 minutes. RNA extracted.
gpr file # 59
Submission date Jul 22, 2004
Last update date May 28, 2005
Contact name Todd A Burckin
Phone 831 459-5245
Fax 831 459-3139
Organization name University of California Santa Cruz
Department Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
Lab Hartzog Lab
Street address 1156 High Street
City Santa Cruz
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 95062
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1370
Series (1)
GSE1610 Analyzing the role of transcription elongation factors Spt4-5 in splicing

Data table header descriptions
X X-coordinate of spot
Y Y-coordinate of spot
Dia. spot diameter in microns
F635 Median Channel 2 (Cy5/635) median pixel intensity - feature
F635 Mean Channel 2 (Cy5/635) mean pixel intensity - feature
F635 SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) standard deviation of pixel intensities - feature
B635 Median Channel 2 (Cy5/635) median background intensity
B635 Mean Channel 2 (Cy5/635) mean background intensity
B635 SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) standard deviation of background
% > B635+1SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels 1 StDev above background
% > B635+2SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels 2 StDevs above background
F635 % Sat. Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels saturated
F532 Median Channel 1 (Cy3/532) median pixel intensity - feature
F532 Mean Channel 1 (Cy3/532) mean pixel intensity - feature
F532 SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) standard deviation of pixel intensities - feature
B532 Median Channel 1 (Cy3/532) median background intensity
B532 Mean Channel 1 (Cy3/532) mean background intensity
B532 SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) standard deviation of background
% > B532+1SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels 1 StDev above background
% > B532+2SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels 2 StDevs above background
F532 % Sat. Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels saturated
Ratio of Medians (635/532)
Ratio of Means (635/532)
Median of Ratios (635/532)
Mean of Ratios (635/532)
Ratios SD (635/532)
Rgn Ratio (635/532)
Rgn R? (635/532)
F Pixels Number of feature pixels
B Pixels Number of background pixels
Sum of Medians Sum of medians
Sum of Means Sum of means
VALUE Log ratio (base 2)
F635 Median - B635 Channel 2 (Cy5/635) background subtracted median feature intensity
F532 Median - B532 Channel 1 (Cy3/532) background subtracted median feature intensity
F635 Mean - B635 Channel 2 (Cy5/635) background subtracted mean feature intensity
F532 Mean - B532 Channel 1 (Cy3/532) background subtracted mean feature intensity
F635 Total Intensity F635 Total Intensity
F532 Total Intensity F532 Total Intensity
SNR 635 n/a
SNR 532 n/a
Flags User defined flag (default=0)
Normalize n/a

Data table
ID_REF X Y Dia. F635 Median F635 Mean F635 SD B635 Median B635 Mean B635 SD % > B635+1SD % > B635+2SD F635 % Sat. F532 Median F532 Mean F532 SD B532 Median B532 Mean B532 SD % > B532+1SD % > B532+2SD F532 % Sat. Ratio of Medians (635/532) Ratio of Means (635/532) Median of Ratios (635/532) Mean of Ratios (635/532) Ratios SD (635/532) Rgn Ratio (635/532) Rgn R? (635/532) F Pixels B Pixels Sum of Medians Sum of Means VALUE F635 Median - B635 F532 Median - B532 F635 Mean - B635 F532 Mean - B532 F635 Total Intensity F532 Total Intensity SNR 635 SNR 532 Flags Normalize
1 2540 26640 80 96 173 190 43 44 8 96 94 0 7301 6619 2445 32 34 8 100 100 0 0.007 0.02 0.032 0.032 2.555 0.018 0.255 52 292 7322 6717 -7.1 53 7269 130 6587 8998 344175 16.125 823.125 -100 0
2 2720 26640 70 111 147 108 45 46 7 100 96 0 275 285 117 33 34 6 100 100 0 0.273 0.405 0.249 0.297 2.105 0.462 0.501 32 233 308 354 -1.874 66 242 102 252 4707 9127 14.429 41.833 -100 0
3 2900 26640 100 76 100 87 45 46 7 97 93 0 110 114 32 33 34 5 100 100 0 0.403 0.679 0.438 0.463 1.827 1.439 0.521 80 456 108 136 -1.313 31 77 55 81 7970 9089 7.714 16 -100 0
4 3080 26650 100 186 259 263 47 51 29 100 96 0 211 233 102 34 36 11 100 100 0 0.785 1.065 0.814 0.861 1.42 1.715 0.77 80 410 316 411 -0.349 139 177 212 199 20729 18603 7.172 17.909 0 0
5 3250 26650 100 121 152 108 50 62 85 26 11 0 189 188 70 35 37 15 98 95 0 0.461 0.667 0.517 0.55 1.589 0.933 0.72 80 417 225 255 -1.117 71 154 102 153 12167 15034 1.059 10.067 -100 0
6 3430 26650 100 18674 16943 4459 51 66 88 100 100 0 24687 22519 5473 36 39 16 100 100 0 0.755 0.751 0.765 0.754 1.241 0.752 0.979 80 412 43274 39375 -0.405 18623 24651 16892 22483 1355473 1801551 191.784 1405 0 0
7 3600 26640 100 14524 14081 2041 51 55 27 100 100 0 21222 20635 2661 36 38 12 100 100 0 0.683 0.681 0.683 0.679 1.097 0.679 0.981 80 422 35659 34629 -0.55 14473 21186 14030 20599 1126489 1650831 519.481 1716.417 0 0
8 3780 26640 110 2263 2216 261 49 51 15 100 100 0 3986 3937 388 35 38 23 100 100 0 0.56 0.555 0.557 0.551 1.174 0.552 0.972 80 458 6165 6069 -0.836 2214 3951 2167 3902 177316 314922 144.333 169.522 0 0
9 3950 26650 100 5057 4646 1550 49 50 10 100 100 0 10743 9937 3430 34 35 9 100 100 0 0.468 0.464 0.465 0.468 1.22 0.459 0.984 80 414 15717 14500 -1.097 5008 10709 4597 9903 371688 794926 459.6 1100.222 0 0
10 4130 26650 100 1331 1298 251 49 50 11 100 100 0 2096 2015 360 34 35 7 100 100 0 0.622 0.63 0.629 0.629 1.147 0.625 0.972 80 456 3344 3230 -0.686 1282 2062 1249 1981 103810 161186 113.455 282.857 0 0
11 4310 26660 110 474 506 197 48 49 11 100 100 0 542 581 182 33 35 6 100 100 0 0.837 0.836 0.777 0.813 1.272 0.838 0.887 80 469 935 1006 -0.257 426 509 458 548 40469 46511 41.545 91 0 0
12 4480 26660 110 722 741 199 47 48 8 100 100 0 921 971 286 33 34 6 100 100 0 0.76 0.74 0.732 0.741 1.134 0.692 0.943 80 451 1563 1632 -0.396 675 888 694 938 59277 77705 86.625 156.167 0 0
13 4660 26650 100 287 325 198 48 49 8 100 100 0 303 317 93 33 34 6 100 100 0 0.885 0.975 0.822 0.884 1.461 1.196 0.715 80 440 509 561 -0.176 239 270 277 284 25995 25356 34.5 47.167 0 0
14 4840 26660 100 105 142 111 50 52 15 100 95 0 126 136 46 33 35 13 100 100 0 0.591 0.893 0.629 0.683 1.589 1.453 0.708 80 428 148 195 -0.758 55 93 92 103 11356 10915 6 7.769 -100 0
15 5020 26650 100 719 680 203 51 52 10 100 100 0 1560 1416 368 33 35 8 100 100 0 0.437 0.455 0.437 0.442 1.329 0.454 0.94 80 415 2195 2012 -1.193 668 1527 629 1383 54390 113246 62.8 172.625 0 0
16 5170 26650 90 136 185 121 47 49 8 100 100 0 214 226 63 32 34 6 100 100 0 0.489 0.711 0.528 0.574 1.663 0.904 0.69 52 341 271 332 -1.032 89 182 138 194 9600 11729 17 32 -100 0
17 5350 26650 80 82 131 105 46 48 8 100 92 0 113 130 58 33 34 6 100 100 0 0.45 0.876 0.548 0.584 1.894 1.323 0.693 52 315 116 182 -1.152 36 80 85 97 6837 6755 10.375 16 -100 0
18 5530 26620 100 51 95 131 48 49 8 36 21 0 41 64 66 33 35 7 50 42 0 0.375 1.516 0.942 0.917 2.704 2.067 0.879 80 462 11 78 -1.415 3 8 47 31 7594 5082 5.75 4.143 -50 0
19 5720 26660 100 200 234 131 49 49 8 98 97 0 282 287 86 33 35 8 100 98 0 0.606 0.728 0.595 0.643 1.481 0.869 0.821 80 418 400 439 -0.722 151 249 185 254 18713 22947 23.125 31.5 0 0
20 5870 26630 90 102 181 225 50 53 33 82 34 0 120 150 92 34 36 10 100 100 0 0.605 1.129 0.651 0.679 1.803 1.981 0.795 52 354 138 247 -0.726 52 86 131 116 9427 7824 3.879 11.4 -100 0

Total number of rows: 5760

Table truncated, full table size 1076 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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