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Sample GSM28831 Query DataSets for GSM28831
Status Public on Jun 13, 2005
Title prp4-1_5
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name SS330 (wt) @ 37 deg 60 min
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name prp4-1 @ 37 deg 60 min
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Reference RNA isolated from reference strain temperature shifted 26oC to 37oC for 60 minutes. Mutant RNA islolated from mutant strain temperature shifted 26oC to 37oC. RNA extracted.
Submission date Aug 12, 2004
Last update date Jun 13, 2005
Contact name Todd A Burckin
Phone 831 459-5245
Fax 831 459-3139
Organization name University of California Santa Cruz
Department Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
Lab Hartzog Lab
Street address 1156 High Street
City Santa Cruz
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 95062
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1407
Series (1)
GSE1684 Exploring functional relationships between components of the gene expression machinery

Data table header descriptions
X X-coordinate of spot
Y Y-coordinate of spot
Dia. spot diameter in microns
F635 Median Channel 2 (Cy5/635) median pixel intensity - feature
F635 Mean Channel 2 (Cy5/635) mean pixel intensity - feature
F635 SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) standard deviation of pixel intensities - feature
B635 Median Channel 2 (Cy5/635) median background intensity
B635 Mean Channel 2 (Cy5/635) mean background intensity
B635 SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) standard deviation of background
% > B635+1SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels 1 StDev above background
% > B635+2SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels 2 StDevs above background
F635 % Sat. Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels saturated
F532 Median Channel 1 (Cy3/532) median pixel intensity - feature
F532 Mean Channel 1 (Cy3/532) mean pixel intensity - feature
F532 SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) standard deviation of pixel intensities - feature
B532 Median Channel 1 (Cy3/532) median background intensity
B532 Mean Channel 1 (Cy3/532) mean background intensity
B532 SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) standard deviation of background
% > B532+1SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels 1 StDev above background
% > B532+2SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels 2 StDevs above background
F532 % Sat. Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels saturated
Ratio of Medians Ratio of medians (Ch2/Ch1)
Ratio of Means Ratio of means (Ch2/Ch1)
Median of Ratios Median of ratios
Mean of Ratios Mean of ratios
Ratios SD Ratio standard deviation
Rgn Ratio Regression ratio
Rgn Rē
F Pixels Number of feature pixels
B Pixels Number of background pixels
Sum of Medians Sum of medians
Sum of Means Sum of means
VALUE Log ratio (base 2)
F635 Median - B635 Channel 2 (Cy5/635) background subtracted median feature intensity
F532 Median - B532 Channel 1 (Cy3/532) background subtracted median feature intensity
F635 Mean - B635 Channel 2 (Cy5/635) background subtracted mean feature intensity
F532 Mean - B532 Channel 1 (Cy3/532) background subtracted mean feature intensity
Flags User defined flag (default=0)

Data table
ID_REF X Y Dia. F635 Median F635 Mean F635 SD B635 Median B635 Mean B635 SD % > B635+1SD % > B635+2SD F635 % Sat. F532 Median F532 Mean F532 SD B532 Median B532 Mean B532 SD % > B532+1SD % > B532+2SD F532 % Sat. Ratio of Medians Ratio of Means Median of Ratios Mean of Ratios Ratios SD Rgn Ratio Rgn Rē F Pixels B Pixels Sum of Medians Sum of Means VALUE F635 Median - B635 F532 Median - B532 F635 Mean - B635 F532 Mean - B532 Flags
1 2150 23340 120 341 429 309 332 338 89 27 17 0 748 777 345 208 215 60 95 90 0 0.017 0.17 0.232 0.734 1.299 0.121 0.044 120 613 549 666 -5.907 9 540 97 569 0
2 2320 23340 100 366 470 283 322 330 90 41 30 0 249 262 94 200 207 55 45 23 0 0.898 2.387 2.458 3.837 5.335 0.952 0.157 80 395 93 210 -0.155 44 49 148 62 -50
3 2500 23340 100 374 421 180 350 350 85 33 17 0 252 259 75 200 206 55 48 22 0 0.462 1.203 1.934 3.473 4.074 0.52 0.08 80 432 76 130 -1.115 24 52 71 59 -50
4 2670 23340 100 397 501 302 353 352 82 33 26 0 235 275 127 207 214 55 38 21 0 1.571 2.176 2.423 4.207 6.105 1.605 0.2 80 432 72 216 0.652 44 28 148 68 -50
5 2840 23340 100 394 494 305 344 348 86 42 23 0 282 298 81 212 218 55 61 31 0 0.714 1.744 1.71 4.056 6.973 1.029 0.175 80 425 120 236 -0.485 50 70 150 86 -50
6 3040 23340 120 2739 2765 1033 346 351 96 100 98 0 3034 3009 1204 216 223 74 99 97 0 0.849 0.866 0.867 1 1.155 0.838 0.936 120 518 5211 5212 -0.236 2393 2818 2419 2793 0
7 3210 23340 120 709 757 272 336 349 87 92 84 0 541 558 157 210 217 60 98 95 0 1.127 1.21 1.105 1.36 0.973 1.02 0.574 120 483 704 769 0.172 373 331 421 348 0
8 3370 23340 100 411 621 546 336 340 79 48 33 0 242 310 190 209 216 59 33 25 0 2.273 2.822 2.289 5.581 10.984 1.868 0.489 80 390 108 386 1.184 75 33 285 101 -50
9 3560 23340 130 537 623 327 344 348 90 77 53 0 2226 2339 1179 209 218 55 100 100 0 0.096 0.131 0.108 0.213 0.33 0.085 0.204 120 598 2210 2409 -3.386 193 2017 279 2130 0
10 3740 23340 110 2445 2452 486 340 347 92 100 100 0 1305 1305 277 214 224 57 100 100 0 1.929 1.936 1.964 1.983 0.39 1.829 0.914 80 450 3196 3203 0.948 2105 1091 2112 1091 0
11 3890 23340 100 411 515 322 334 348 99 43 22 0 217 240 100 210 216 58 26 12 0 11 6.033 1.943 5.122 8.957 1.621 0.337 80 400 84 211 3.459 77 7 181 30 -50
12 4070 23340 100 410 558 389 334 342 100 45 27 0 243 273 120 208 213 54 41 26 0 2.171 3.446 2.857 4.204 4.709 1.547 0.323 80 428 111 289 1.119 76 35 224 65 -50
13 4240 23340 100 383 559 472 326 333 84 42 30 0 223 275 163 212 216 51 35 22 0 5.182 3.698 2.033 6.623 15.278 1.778 0.437 80 433 68 296 2.373 57 11 233 63 -50
14 4420 23340 100 365 439 204 319 331 83 37 26 0 235 258 94 212 218 54 32 16 0 2 2.609 1.903 3.35 4.392 0.953 0.241 80 428 69 166 1 46 23 120 46 -50
15 4590 23340 100 389 439 187 331 341 90 38 17 0 273 272 71 217 223 59 46 20 0 1.036 1.964 1.78 3.735 5.772 0.402 0.047 80 428 114 163 0.051 58 56 108 55 -50
16 4770 23340 100 401 525 415 356 368 98 38 23 0 257 291 150 223 228 59 40 18 0 1.324 2.485 2.451 5.864 11.754 1.512 0.314 80 444 79 237 0.404 45 34 169 68 -50
17 4940 23340 100 376 486 316 346 349 91 33 26 0 228 268 132 213 220 54 32 16 0 2 2.545 2.412 3.632 3.805 1.211 0.302 80 444 45 195 1 30 15 140 55 -50
18 5120 23340 100 332 436 271 328 332 79 32 23 0 231 254 90 206 215 58 32 13 0 0.16 2.25 2.739 6.111 12.126 1.158 0.228 80 435 29 156 -2.644 4 25 108 48 -50
19 5310 23320 120 517 613 374 340 349 88 70 50 0 529 547 175 215 220 55 95 90 0 0.564 0.822 0.661 1.411 1.99 0.655 0.241 120 581 491 605 -0.827 177 314 273 332 0
20 5500 23310 120 1347 1368 529 349 357 84 99 97 0 1435 1559 853 211 216 51 98 96 0 0.815 0.756 0.723 1.027 0.947 0.635 0.797 120 518 2222 2367 -0.294 998 1224 1019 1348 0

Total number of rows: 5760

Table truncated, full table size 965 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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