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Sample GSM28854 Query DataSets for GSM28854
Status Public on Jun 13, 2005
Title ceg1-250_3
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name OY163 (ceg1-250) @ 39 deg
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name OY94 (wt) @ 39 deg
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Reference and mutant strains grown at 30oC to 1-2 x 10exp7 cells/ml. shifted to 39 deg for 45 minutes. RNA extracted.
Submission date Aug 12, 2004
Last update date Jun 13, 2005
Contact name Todd A Burckin
Phone 831 459-5245
Fax 831 459-3139
Organization name University of California Santa Cruz
Department Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology
Lab Hartzog Lab
Street address 1156 High Street
City Santa Cruz
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 95062
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1370
Series (1)
GSE1684 Exploring functional relationships between components of the gene expression machinery

Data table header descriptions
X X-coordinate of spot
Y Y-coordinate of spot
Dia. spot diameter in microns
F635 Median Channel 2 (Cy5/635) median pixel intensity - feature
F635 Mean Channel 2 (Cy5/635) mean pixel intensity - feature
F635 SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) standard deviation of pixel intensities - feature
B635 Median Channel 2 (Cy5/635) median background intensity
B635 Mean Channel 2 (Cy5/635) mean background intensity
B635 SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) standard deviation of background
% > B635+1SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels 1 StDev above background
% > B635+2SD Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels 2 StDevs above background
F635 % Sat. Channel 2 (Cy5/635) percent of pixels saturated
F532 Median Channel 1 (Cy3/532) median pixel intensity - feature
F532 Mean Channel 1 (Cy3/532) mean pixel intensity - feature
F532 SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) standard deviation of pixel intensities - feature
B532 Median Channel 1 (Cy3/532) median background intensity
B532 Mean Channel 1 (Cy3/532) mean background intensity
B532 SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) standard deviation of background
% > B532+1SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels 1 StDev above background
% > B532+2SD Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels 2 StDevs above background
F532 % Sat. Channel 1 (Cy3/532) percent of pixels saturated
Ratio of Medians (635/532)
Ratio of Means (635/532)
Median of Ratios (635/532)
Mean of Ratios (635/532)
Ratios SD (635/532)
Rgn Ratio (635/532)
Rgn Rē (635/532)
F Pixels Number of feature pixels
B Pixels Number of background pixels
Sum of Medians Sum of medians
Sum of Means Sum of means
VALUE Log ratio (base 2)
F635 Median - B635 Channel 2 (Cy5/635) background subtracted median feature intensity
F532 Median - B532 Channel 1 (Cy3/532) background subtracted median feature intensity
F635 Mean - B635 Channel 2 (Cy5/635) background subtracted mean feature intensity
F532 Mean - B532 Channel 1 (Cy3/532) background subtracted mean feature intensity
F635 Total Intensity F635 Total Intensity
F532 Total Intensity F532 Total Intensity
SNR 635 n/a
SNR 532 n/a
Flags User defined flag (default=0)
Normalize n/a

Data table
ID_REF X Y Dia. F635 Median F635 Mean F635 SD B635 Median B635 Mean B635 SD % > B635+1SD % > B635+2SD F635 % Sat. F532 Median F532 Mean F532 SD B532 Median B532 Mean B532 SD % > B532+1SD % > B532+2SD F532 % Sat. Ratio of Medians (635/532) Ratio of Means (635/532) Median of Ratios (635/532) Mean of Ratios (635/532) Ratios SD (635/532) Rgn Ratio (635/532) Rgn Rē (635/532) F Pixels B Pixels Sum of Medians Sum of Means VALUE F635 Median - B635 F532 Median - B532 F635 Mean - B635 F532 Mean - B532 F635 Total Intensity F532 Total Intensity SNR 635 SNR 532 Flags Normalize
1 2620 25860 100 123 119 29 56 57 8 97 95 0 12007 10994 5409 50 51 8 100 100 0 0.006 0.006 0.014 0.019 2.083 0.005 0.888 80 445 12024 11007 -7.479 67 11957 63 10944 9513 879483 7.75 1367.875 0 0
2 2810 25860 70 114 115 32 60 60 9 96 81 0 481 524 317 49 51 9 100 100 0 0.125 0.116 0.111 0.119 1.647 0.106 0.812 32 215 486 530 -3 54 432 55 475 3669 16764 6.111 52.556 0 0
3 2960 25870 100 105 105 18 60 60 8 96 96 0 102 102 26 49 49 7 93 91 0 0.849 0.849 0.902 0.899 1.639 0.818 0.72 80 403 98 98 -0.236 45 53 45 53 8406 8171 5.625 7.571 0 0
4 3130 25870 100 155 152 16 61 62 8 100 100 0 279 274 36 49 50 6 100 100 0 0.409 0.404 0.405 0.405 1.249 0.394 0.896 80 392 324 316 -1.291 94 230 91 225 12136 21884 11.25 37.333 0 0
5 3290 25870 90 180 178 25 65 66 9 100 100 0 148 148 23 50 51 7 100 100 0 1.173 1.153 1.143 1.157 1.267 1.128 0.877 52 330 213 211 0.231 115 98 113 98 9250 7704 12.444 13.857 0 0
6 3470 25870 100 15879 14583 3024 68 69 12 100 100 0 24366 22664 4476 51 52 8 100 100 0 0.65 0.642 0.653 0.645 1.172 0.638 0.978 80 400 40126 37128 -0.621 15811 24315 14515 22613 1166616 1813116 1209.5 2826.5 0 0
7 3640 25860 100 1214 1130 280 68 68 10 100 100 0 1462 1358 365 50 51 7 100 100 0 0.812 0.812 0.806 0.828 1.298 0.803 0.972 80 405 2558 2370 -0.301 1146 1412 1062 1308 90379 108659 106.2 186.714 0 0
8 3820 25860 110 639 632 57 67 68 11 100 100 0 1003 988 95 51 52 10 100 100 0 0.601 0.603 0.603 0.603 1.147 0.595 0.969 80 446 1524 1502 -0.735 572 952 565 937 50535 79077 51.273 93.6 0 0
9 3990 25860 110 11483 10109 3566 68 69 11 100 100 0 2466 2168 719 51 52 9 100 100 0 4.727 4.743 4.766 4.553 1.552 4.815 0.978 80 442 13830 12158 2.241 11415 2415 10041 2117 808752 173478 912.727 235.111 0 0
10 4170 25870 100 1471 1395 307 68 69 11 100 100 0 1963 1924 380 50 52 8 100 100 0 0.733 0.708 0.726 0.693 1.379 0.708 0.942 80 405 3316 3201 -0.447 1403 1913 1327 1874 111561 153927 120.545 234 0 0
11 4340 25870 110 520 533 169 67 67 10 100 100 0 711 725 200 51 52 8 100 100 0 0.686 0.691 0.7 0.667 1.331 0.704 0.956 80 455 1113 1140 -0.543 453 660 466 674 42637 58002 46.6 84.125 0 0
12 4520 25880 110 553 607 174 67 68 11 100 100 0 487 511 101 51 52 8 100 100 0 1.115 1.174 1.125 1.145 1.184 1.194 0.933 80 486 922 1000 0.157 486 436 540 460 48560 40862 49 57.375 0 0
13 4710 25880 110 216 232 60 65 66 9 100 100 0 394 430 146 51 51 8 100 100 0 0.44 0.441 0.445 0.444 1.232 0.41 0.899 80 422 494 546 -1.184 151 343 167 379 18570 34370 18.444 47.375 0 0
14 4850 25870 110 93 94 13 65 66 10 92 71 0 123 125 20 50 51 8 100 98 0 0.384 0.387 0.368 0.353 1.842 0.383 0.539 80 420 101 104 -1.382 28 73 29 75 7501 9984 2.8 9.25 0 0
15 5030 25870 100 1214 1112 271 64 64 10 100 100 0 252 244 57 50 51 7 100 100 0 5.693 5.402 5.392 5.436 1.403 5.517 0.931 80 430 1352 1242 2.509 1150 202 1048 194 88959 19528 104.8 27.571 0 0
16 5200 25860 90 271 259 39 64 64 10 100 100 0 134 134 23 49 50 7 100 100 0 2.435 2.294 2.321 2.328 1.327 2.431 0.859 52 384 292 280 1.284 207 85 195 85 13492 6951 19.5 12 0 0
17 5410 25880 80 135 133 19 65 65 10 100 100 0 90 89 17 49 49 6 100 96 0 1.707 1.7 1.705 1.798 1.641 1.678 0.599 52 311 111 108 0.772 70 41 68 40 6896 4621 6.8 6.667 0 0
18 5590 25870 80 93 95 15 63 64 10 96 82 0 67 70 15 50 51 7 76 53 0 1.765 1.6 1.784 2.068 2.799 1.514 0.376 52 317 47 52 0.819 30 17 32 20 4957 3644 3.1 2.714 0 0
19 5760 25870 100 398 379 84 64 65 9 98 98 0 121 123 28 50 50 7 100 98 0 4.704 4.315 4.321 4.389 1.573 4.358 0.85 80 414 405 388 2.234 334 71 315 73 30329 9821 34.889 10.429 0 0
20 5900 25860 90 132 136 24 65 65 10 100 100 0 89 93 24 50 51 7 98 98 0 1.718 1.651 1.674 1.806 1.711 1.718 0.643 52 321 106 114 0.781 67 39 71 43 7090 4851 7.1 6 0 0

Total number of rows: 5760

Table truncated, full table size 1078 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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