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Sample GSM2932324 Query DataSets for GSM2932324
Status Public on Jun 05, 2018
Title MM at diagnosis, sample 1
Sample type RNA
Source name Highly purified PCs from MM patient
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: Bone marrow plasma cells
Treatment protocol Plasma cells were purified from bone marrow samples using CD138 immunomagnetic microbeads according to the manufacturer's instructions (MidiMACS system, Miltenyi Biotec); the purity of the positively selected PCs was assessed by morphology and flow cytometry and was > 90% in all cases.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Trizol extraction of total RNA was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions (Gibco BRL).
Label biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated single stranded cDNA samples were prepared starting from 100-250 nanograms of total RNA, according to the standard Affymetrix protocol (GeneChip Whole Transcript (WT) Sense Target Labeling Assay Manual).
Hybridization protocol The fragmented labeled single-stranded DNA target was hybridized for 16 hours and 30 minutes at 45°C on GeneChip Gene 2.0 ST array, according to the standard Affymetrix protocol, using the GeneChip Hybridization Oven 640. GeneChips were washed and stained in the Affymetrix Fluidics Station 450.
Scan protocol Scanning of the arrays was performed using the GeneChip Scanner 7G.
Description t(4;14)
Data processing Normalized expression values were obtained using Robust Multi Array Average (RMA) procedure. A custom annotation pipeline was applied that combined GENCODE v25 (Ensembl v87) annotations with the CDF (Chip Definition File) version 21 for gene annotations freely available at, in order to withdraw probes that map to regions where ambiguous detection due to transcript overlap might occur. Therefrom, the expression levels of Ensembl genes specific for 10138 unique lncRNAs were obtained.
Submission date Jan 11, 2018
Last update date Jun 26, 2018
Contact name Luca Agnelli
Phone +390223903581
Organization name IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Department Department of Advanced Diagnostics
Street address Venezian 1
ZIP/Postal code 20133
Country Italy
Platform ID GPL24507
Series (1)
GSE109116 A compendium of long non-coding RNAs transcriptional fingerprint in multiple myeloma.
Alternative to GSM3227608

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA-normalized log2 signal

Data table
ENSG00000232774 5.487544172
ENSG00000235200 6.642404644
ENSG00000122548 4.574968754
ENSG00000124835 6.688447828
ENSG00000124915 6.310461784
ENSG00000180910 3.036474059
ENSG00000228592 3.190453696
ENSG00000226438 4.387842817
ENSG00000214039 6.07056955
ENSG00000162947 5.166571559
ENSG00000163364 4.758744393
ENSG00000163915 4.50716132
ENSG00000164621 5.255516594
ENSG00000166917 6.723404094
ENSG00000213373 6.073967208
ENSG00000170983 5.433729673
ENSG00000171889 3.272663323
ENSG00000215241 3.556913023
ENSG00000218839 5.420350822
ENSG00000170161 9.181840362

Total number of rows: 10138

Table truncated, full table size 276 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2932324_MM.021.CEL.gz 8.5 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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