gender: Female tissue: breast cancer tumor tumor type: HER2 Breast Cancer age: 61 estrogen receptor status: NO grade: 0 Stage: II progesterone receptor status: NO pcr: 1 dfs.event: 0 dfs.time: 1764
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Trizol extraction of total RNA was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Label protocol
Not applicable
Hybridization protocol
Not applicable
Scan protocol
Not applicable
Gene expression data from breast tumor sample
Data processing
Gene expression data from the NanoString nCounter assay were analyzed after QC filtering and normalization by using the R package NanoStringQCPro (version As recommended, the mean of the positive probes and the housekeeping genes were used in order to account for differences in sample input. Moreover, negative control probes were used for background correction and samples that did not pass QC control were removed.