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Sample GSM298028 Query DataSets for GSM298028
Status Public on Dec 22, 2008
Title xenograft 10 day mouse array replicate 2
Sample type RNA
Source name xenograft 10 day mouse array replicate 2
Organisms Homo sapiens; Mus musculus
Characteristics xenograft, day 10 post implantation on mouse chip
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Trizol extraction of total RNA and Qiagen RNeasy purification were performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Label Biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix protocol from 5 ug total RNA (Expression Analysis Technical Manual, 2001, Affymetrix).
Hybridization protocol Following fragmentation, 15 ug of cRNA was hybridized for 16 hr at 45C on GeneChipHuman U133A arrays. GeneChips were washed and stained in the Affymetrix Fluidics Station 450.
Scan protocol GeneChips were scanned using the GeneChip 2500 Scanner (Affymetrix).
Description xenograft 10 day mouse array replicate 2
Data processing MAS5.0 was used for initial data extraction, raw data normalised to the internal spikes using R. Human and mouse orthologues and homologues were identified using Netaffix and only those transcripts used for further analysis.
Submission date Jun 12, 2008
Last update date Dec 22, 2008
Contact name D. Stephen Charnock-Jones
Organization name University of Cambridge
Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Street address The Rosie Hospital
City Cambridge
ZIP/Postal code CB2 0SW
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL81
Series (2)
GSE11768 Nude mouse model of endometriosis
GSE11769 Analysis of ectopic human endometrium and peritoneal tissues in nude mice

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Log2 normalised values for trancripts identified as homologues or orthologues only

Data table
100001_at 6.34
100002_at 7
100003_at 6.76
100007_at 8.45
100009_r_at 6.08
100013_at 7.45
100015_at 6.91
100016_at 7.43
100018_at 7.59
100019_at 8.24
100020_at 7.64
100021_at 6.46
100026_at 8.52
100029_at 9.52
100032_at 7.85
100033_at 7.31
100034_at 6.14
100035_at 6.12
100042_at 7.08
100047_at 6.27

Total number of rows: 4735

Table truncated, full table size 67 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM298028.CEL.gz 2.7 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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