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Sample GSM303493 Query DataSets for GSM303493
Status Public on Jul 30, 2008
Title 4 days cultures from wild-type mouse bone marrow progenitors - Rep 1
Sample type RNA
Source name 4 days cultured BM progenitors from wild-type mouse bone marrow
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics mRNA profiling of 4 days cultures from wild-type mouse bone marrow progenitors - Rep 1
Treatment protocol Cells were sorted for ckit-PE positive and Gr-1-APC negative population using FACSAria (BD Biosciences).
Growth protocol BM-progenitors were cultured in SILAC-IMDM with G-CSF and SCF for 4 days.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Tri Reagent (Ambion) followed by RNeasy Plus (Qiagen)
Label Biotin
Label protocol Affy Standard Labeling Protocol
Hybridization protocol Affy Standard Hyb Protocol
Scan protocol Affy Scan Protocol
Description mRNA expression profile comparison between wild-type cultured murine neutrophils versus miR-223 null cultured murine neutrophils during development of BM progenitors to mature neutrophils. This data shows expression profile of mRNAs from 4 days cultured progenitors from wild-type mouse bone marrow.
Data processing GCOS and RMAExpress software
Submission date Jul 03, 2008
Last update date Aug 28, 2018
Contact name Whitehead Institute
Phone 617-324-0339
Organization name Whitehead Institute
Department Genome Technology Core
Street address 9 Cambridge Center
City Cambridge
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02141
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1261
Series (2)
GSE12003 4 days cultured progenitors and 8 days cultured mature neutrophils from WT vs miR-223 null neutrophils
GSE12075 The impact of microRNAs on protein output
Reanalyzed by GSE119085

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Signal Intensity (Log2)

Data table
1415670_AT 9.853111
1415671_AT 11.310312
1415672_AT 11.340336
1415673_AT 10.638863
1415674_A_AT 9.934240
1415675_AT 9.327896
1415676_A_AT 11.917464
1415677_AT 9.541818
1415678_AT 10.181892
1415679_AT 11.642124
1415680_AT 10.237610
1415681_AT 10.497600
1415682_AT 8.292486
1415683_AT 11.315970
1415684_AT 9.072342
1415685_AT 9.336229
1415686_AT 9.682672
1415687_A_AT 11.540489
1415688_AT 10.544747
1415689_S_AT 8.827909

Total number of rows: 45101

Table truncated, full table size 902 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM303493.CEL.gz 3.7 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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