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Sample GSM31198 Query DataSets for GSM31198
Status Public on May 17, 2005
Title W23 b,pl leaves under solar UV-B
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name leaves under solar UV-B
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name leaves under no UV-B
Organism Zea mays
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Field treatments used different plastic filters to screen UV-B (UV-B exclusion) or UV-B lamps (UV-B supplementation). Solar UV-B radiation was removed to produce the minus UV-B treatment using polyester filters (PE, 100 µm clear polyester plastic; Tap Plastics, Mountain View CA). This PE filter absorbs UV-B without significantly affecting UV-A or visible radiation (Casati and Walbot 2003). To control for differences in wind or humidity under plastic sheeting, cellulose acetate sheeting was placed over a control group (CA, 100 µm extra clear cellulose acetate plastic, Tap Plastics); the CA sheeting transmit most radiation from sunlight. Seeds from the six maize lines were planted during summers 2002 and 2003 outdoors at the Stanford Plant Growth Facility. Approximately 14 days after sowing and 7 days after germination, 1.5 m x 3.2 m of each plastic was draped over 1 m x 2.5 m wooden frames; the excess plastic was stapled to the sides of the frames to reduce light exposure. The N and S sides were left open to allow air circulation. However, 50 cm-long curtains with the same plastic were made on the E and W sides to avoid early morning and late afternoon UV exposure. The frames were maintained about 30 cm above the plant canopy during the course of the experiments. Temperature and humidity in the soil and in the leaves were recorded using an infrared thermometer (Model 210ALCS microcomputer based agri-term infrared thermometer, Everest Interscience Inc., Fullerton, CA) and a relative humidity hygrometer (Thermo-Hygro 800016, Sper Scientific, Scottsdale, AZ); there were no differences among the plots. Average canopy temperatures under the filters were always within 0.5 °C of each other, and in no case were consistent differences in temperature detected between filter treatments. The same was observed when humidity was recorded; differences were <25% between treatments. Measurements of incoming solar radiation were obtained using an Optronics model 752 spectroradiometer (Optronics Laboratories, Orlando, FL) that was calibrated against a National Bureau of Standards certified radiation source before each use. The spectrum under each filter was recorded periodically with 1 nm resolution across the entire sunlight spectrum (290 to 800 nm) to check for changes in the transmittance of the filters. Under our conditions, there were no significant reductions in transmittance after 3 weeks of exposure to solar UV-B, equivalent to the duration of our experiments. Consequently the filters were not replaced, but as they accumulate dust and could develop small tears, we cleaned them at least every fourth day and we replaced areas with small rips. Plants were grown under the specified conditions for 21 days, adult leaf samples from adult leaf 9 or 10 were collected for experiments at 4 PM in all treatments. The experiment was repeated using different replicate plots (with at least 10 plants of each genotype per plot) to control the field variables that might influence measurements.
For experiments with supplemental UV-B radiation at the field, plants from the six lines were grown in the field for 4 weeks under natural sunlight conditions. After that, plants were illuminated by UV-B lamps using fixtures mounted 30 cm above the plants (Phillips, F40UVB 40 W and TL 20 W/12) for 8 h, and leaf samples were collected at 4 PM immediately after the end of the light treatment; this simulates a 4-fold increase in UV-B at 305 nm compared to the Stanford field in August at noon. The bulbs were covered using CA filters to exclude wavelengths lower than 280 nm. As a control, plants were exposed for the same period of time under the same lamps covered with PE (no UV-B treatment).

Submission date Sep 29, 2004
Last update date Sep 08, 2006
Contact name Paula Casati
Phone 54-341-4371955
Organization name Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Department Biological Sciences
Lab Casati
Street address Suipacha 531
City Rosario
State/province Santa Fe
ZIP/Postal code 2000
Country Argentina
Platform ID GPL498
Series (2)
GSE1807 Solar UV-B regulation of high altitude maize
GSE2163 W23 and High altitude maize under solar and supplementary UV-B

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log 2 of the ratio of intensities without UV-B/solar UV-B
ratio Ratio (M-N)/(J-K) [Cy5/Cy3; PE/CA] ratio of intensities without UV-B/solar UV-B
CH1I Mean Intensity Cy3
CH1B Mean Intensity Cy3 of the background
CH1AB Median Intensity Cy3 of the background
CH2I Mean Intensity Cy5
CH2B Mean Intensity Cy5 of the background
CH2AB Median Intensity Cy5 of the background
SPIX See Scanalyze Manual
BGPIX See Scanalyze Manual
EDGE See Scanalyze Manual
RAT2 See Scanalyze Manual
MRAT See Scanalyze Manual
REGR See Scanalyze Manual
CORR See Scanalyze Manual
LFRAT See Scanalyze Manual
CH1GTB1 See Scanalyze Manual
CH2GTB1 See Scanalyze Manual
CH1GTB2 See Scanalyze Manual
CH2GTB2 See Scanalyze Manual
CH1EDGEA See Scanalyze Manual
CH2EDGEA See Scanalyze Manual
FLAG See Scanalyze Manual
CH1KSD See Scanalyze Manual
CH1KSP See Scanalyze Manual
CH2KSD See Scanalyze Manual
CH2KSP See Scanalyze Manual

Data table
1 0.725733163 1.653740837 8290 221 329 19434 232 714 156 1265 0 1.667 1.59 1.579 0.9867 1.61 0.9936 1 0.9744 1 0.2356 0.2589 0 0.8869 0.00E+00 0.8923 0.00E+00
2 0.685461529 1.608216379 7693 226 316 13264 226 706 156 1054 0 1.594 1.654 1.47 0.9651 1.545 1 1 0.9872 1 0.2117 0.2374 0 0.8844 0.00E+00 0.8787 0.00E+00
3 0.703632676 1.628600417 8661 229 274 17732 220 478 156 1001 0 1.617 1.588 1.515 0.9725 1.577 1 1 1 1 0.221 0.2409 0 0.9642 0.00E+00 0.9662 0.00E+00
4 736 224 244 834 224 336 156 1043 0 0.658 0.6733 0.7137 0.8487 0.8156 0.9679 0.9103 0.6154 0.8526 0.1252 0.2661 0 0.8054 0.00E+00 0.7293 0.00E+00
5 712 220 230 942 230 289 156 1033 0 0.8045 0.8182 0.7903 0.965 0.8132 0.859 0.8718 0.5769 0.7821 0.1077 0.2229 0 0.6883 0.00E+00 0.6364 0.00E+00
6 761 222 231 970 228 290 156 999 0 0.8608 0.8356 0.8535 0.9508 0.8927 0.9551 0.9487 0.6218 0.859 0.1023 0.2037 0 0.7623 0.00E+00 0.7098 0.00E+00
7 11604 226 234 3069 224 274 156 1009 0 1.705 1.762 1.575 0.9508 1.697 0.9487 0.9551 0.7564 0.9295 0.1556 0.3049 0 0.8187 0.00E+00 0.8326 0.00E+00
8 10753 226 250 2265 220 275 156 1009 0 1.519 1.467 1.36 0.9834 1.39 0.8718 0.9615 0.6346 0.8974 0.1221 0.2793 0 0.6469 0.00E+00 0.7603 0.00E+00
9 12631 231 316 3130 212 259 156 1009 0 1.653 1.628 1.53 0.9769 1.582 0.9359 0.9615 0.7692 0.9551 0.164 0.2935 0 0.7585 0.00E+00 0.8375 0.00E+00
10 6035 228 335 3184 210 228 156 1009 0 1.6 1.638 1.551 0.9666 1.63 1 1 0.9615 1 0.1451 0.2475 0 0.9703 0.00E+00 0.9663 0.00E+00
11 5791 242 355 3353 218 221 156 1033 0 1.647 1.618 1.51 0.9617 1.597 0.9679 0.9872 0.8269 0.9615 0.1563 0.2752 0 0.877 0.00E+00 0.9296 0.00E+00
12 5523 242 329 2776 216 815 156 1033 0 1.439 1.328 1.549 0.9303 1.724 0.9551 0.9103 0.7949 0.891 0.156 0.3029 0 0.8038 0.00E+00 0.7557 0.00E+00
13 0.291434021 1.223856171 44296 232 312 39225 202 1252 156 1009 0 1.375 1.443 1.231 0.9683 1.281 0.9808 1 0.9808 1 0.2778 0.2372 0 0.8953 0.00E+00 0.9229 0.00E+00
14 0.284035038 1.217595589 43456 231 331 41006 196 1144 156 1042 0 1.315 1.327 1.173 0.9596 1.233 1 1 1 1 0.255 0.2109 0 0.9741 0.00E+00 0.9808 0.00E+00
15 0.285039674 1.21844377 45172 234 322 44371 204 1505 156 1042 0 1.334 1.333 1.225 0.973 1.267 0.9615 1 0.9615 1 0.2358 0.1982 0 0.9225 0.00E+00 0.9206 0.00E+00
16 4225 236 265 4312 210 1178 156 1020 0 2.553 2.522 1.747 0.883 2.136 0.9103 0.9487 0.8141 0.9487 0.2009 0.3169 0 0.7509 0.00E+00 0.7704 0.00E+00
17 1.279015879 2.426733831 4202 235 244 5522 206 313 156 1015 0 2.503 2.613 2.256 0.97 2.375 1 1 0.8397 1 0.1786 0.2966 0 0.8729 0.00E+00 0.9084 0.00E+00
18 1.251219602 2.380425705 4266 232 241 7346 200 262 156 967 0 2.441 2.416 2.327 0.9793 2.412 1 1 0.9487 1 0.2202 0.2989 0 0.9448 0.00E+00 0.927 0.00E+00
19 0.466835108 1.382074234 6778 231 260 4794 202 320 156 1038 0 1.454 1.55 1.467 0.9763 1.517 1 0.9936 0.9487 0.9872 0.1935 0.2887 0 0.8729 0.00E+00 0.8874 0.00E+00
20 0.441754325 1.358254969 6384 230 299 5248 206 382 156 983 0 1.432 1.399 1.424 0.9781 1.467 1 1 0.9487 0.9936 0.1882 0.2725 0 0.8211 0.00E+00 0.8093 0.00E+00

Total number of rows: 16928

Table truncated, full table size 2592 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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