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Sample GSM32272 Query DataSets for GSM32272
Status Public on Oct 23, 2004
Title CGH3_1, D5_14, XY
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name Phi-29amplified microdissected normal colon mucosa DNA (D5_14)
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Channel 2
Source name commercial male DNA (Promega)
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Description Phi-29amplified microdissected normal colon mucosa DNA sample(D5_14, XY) from a male individual affected by Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. Details of the experiment are available within the Nucleic Acid Research, 2004 manuscript "Genomic profiling by DNA amplification of laser capture microdissected tissues and array CGH", by Cardoso J. et al.
Submission date Oct 14, 2004
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Joana Cardoso
Phone 351-21-7999519
Organization name Faculty of Medicine
Lab Biology of Chromatin Unit
Street address Av. Prof Egaz Moniz
City Lisbon
ZIP/Postal code 1700
Country Portugal
Platform ID GPL1506
Series (1)
GSE1841 BAC CGH array profiling using Phi29-amplified microdissected samples

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Log2Lowess Norm ratios, array CGH3_40, sample Phi29-amplified microdissected normal colon mucosa D5_14 DNA (XY) vs. non-amplified male (XY)

Data table
10 -0.23790101
11 0.047065342
20 -0.026857816
21 -0.576889061
40 -0.84692439
50 -0.353924776
60 -0.458029182
61 -0.514673373
62 -0.549154679
70 -0.216906456
71 -0.190197879
72 -0.223496896
80 -0.232119827
90 -0.355369502
91 -0.401561756
92 -0.299041862
100 -0.019094197
101 0.132118439
102 -0.003308135
110 0.327460023

Total number of rows: 3615

Table truncated, full table size 63 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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