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Sample GSM35255 Query DataSets for GSM35255
Status Public on Dec 16, 2004
Title B chip no foreskolin replicate 1
Sample type RNA
Source name A comparison of foreskolin-induced mRNA vs. an inactive control in the rat PC12 cell pheochromocytoma cell line.
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description A comparison of foreskolin-induced mRNA vs. an inactive control in the rat PC12 cell pheochromocytoma cell line.
Keywords = PC12
Keywords = Foreskolin
Submission date Nov 13, 2004
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Soren Impey
Phone (503) 494-7540
Organization name Vollum Institute
Street address
City Portland
State/province OR
ZIP/Postal code 97239
Country USA
Platform ID GPL342
Series (1)
GSE2071 A comparison of forskolin-induced mRNA vs. an inactive control in the rat PC12 cell pheochromocytoma cell line.

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Probe set ID
VALUE Normalized signal intensity

Data table
1367487_at 9.347667
1367526_at 10.049152
1377542_at 3.932276
1377599_at 8.332199
1377636_at 6.668362
1377694_at 6.877786
1377703_at 7.607708
1377718_at 7.521663
1377741_at 5.216197
1377766_at 7.283352
1377812_a_at 8.201803
1377838_at 8.334568
1377869_at 7.611399
1377909_at 6.408565
1377952_at 8.216196
1377967_at 8.977663
1377979_at 4.882738
1378027_at 8.994541
1378034_at 8.001672
1378048_at 6.099702

Total number of rows: 15276

Table truncated, full table size 297 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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