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Sample GSM36157 Query DataSets for GSM36157
Status Public on Oct 04, 2005
Title Normal control serum 5 (Control-105)
Sample type protein
Channel 1
Source name Human serum IgG
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule protein
Channel 2
Source name T7 Phage Capsid Protein 10B
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule protein
Description Serum sample from normal control subject.
Submission date Nov 24, 2004
Last update date Oct 04, 2005
Contact name Xiaoju Wang
Phone 734-763-6056
Organization name University of Michigan
Street address 1500 E. Medical Center Drive
City Ann Arbor
State/province MI
ZIP/Postal code 48109
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1718
Series (1)
GSE2010 Identification of humoral signature for prostate cancer

Data table header descriptions
Cy5 Red Channel Signals
Cy5_BKD Red Channel Background
Cy3 Green Channel Signals
Cy3_BKD Green Channel Background
VALUE log ratio (log2 of PRE_VALUE)
Flag Spot Quality Flag
PRE_VALUE Ratio of Median (Cy5/Cy3)

Data table
10A1 1348 718 2012 432 -1.3255393 0 0.399
10A10 1480 782 2798 514 -1.7083963 0 0.306
10A11 1475 781 2546 441 -1.5994623 0 0.33
10A12 1550 815 3038 520 -1.7759603 0 0.292
10A2 1460 808 2482 491 -1.6126373 0 0.327
10A3 1219 711 1749 423 -1.3845843 0 0.383
10A4 1333 786 2406 492 -1.8059133 0 0.286
10A5 1241 759 1844 426 -1.5563933 0 0.34
10A6 1559 794 3264 497 -1.8572603 0 0.276
10A7 1464 805 2204 435 -1.4227523 0 0.373
10A8 1602 810 2794 505 -1.5311563 0 0.346
10A9 1392 780 2385 441 -1.6665763 0 0.315
10B1 1421 828 1502 485 -0.7784323 0 0.583
10B10 1944 873 4575 573 -1.8996953 0 0.268
10B11 1182 824 1039 480 -0.6438563 0 0.64
10B12 1648 880 3187 578 -1.7661123 0 0.294
10B2 1429 837 2140 548 -1.4266253 0 0.372
10B3 1172 794 1461 485 -1.3695953 0 0.387
10B4 1231 825 1418 545 -1.1046973 0 0.465
10B5 1383 782 2510 484 -1.7514653 0 0.297

Total number of rows: 2206

Table truncated, full table size 90 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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