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Sample GSM367555 Query DataSets for GSM367555
Status Public on Oct 22, 2009
Title 53 C Experiment 2 Repeat 1 Chip 13360936 Scanned at PMT Cy5 800 and Cy3 750
Sample type other
Channel 1
Source name Experiment 2 Cy5 sample mixture
Organism synthetic construct
Characteristics e2 cy5 sample composition:
Conc. <Set 1> <Set 2>
10-5M t7 n4 t7 n5
10-6M t8 n3 t8 n1
10-7M t9 n2 t9 n2
10-8M t10 n1 t10 n3
10-9M t6 n5 t6 n4
Biomaterial provider Integrated DNA Technology, Inc. <>
Extracted molecule other
Extraction protocol not applicable; synthesized oligonucleotide samples
Label Cy5
Label protocol 10 ul of the 10 variably diluted oligos for Set 1 were pooled into the same tube. Similarly, 10 ul of the 10 variably diluted oligos for Set 2 were pooled into another tube. 10 ul from each tube and 1 ul of the hygromycin control at 10-7M were then taken out to be coupled with Cy5 fluorescent dye. IDT synthesized oligos included a 5' amino modifier C6 for dye incorporation. The labeled oligos were cleaned using QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen) to discard uncoupled dyes.
Channel 2
Source name Experiment 2 Cy3 sample mixture
Organism synthetic construct
Characteristics e2 cy3 sample compositin:
Conc. <Set 1> <Set 2>
10-5M t5 n6 t5 n7
10-6M t1 n10 t1 n8
10-7M t2 n9 t2 n9
10-8M t3 n8 t3 n10
10-9M t4 n7 t4 n6
Biomaterial provider Integrated DNA Technology, Inc. <>
Extracted molecule other
Extraction protocol not applicable; synthesized oligonucleotide samples
Label Cy3
Label protocol 10 ul of the 10 variably diluted oligos for Set 1 were pooled into the same tube. Similarly, 10 ul of the 10 variably diluted oligos for Set 2 were pooled into another tube. 10 ul from each tube and 1 ul of the hygromycin control at 10-7M were then taken out to be coupled with Cy3 fluorescent dye. IDT synthesized oligos included a 5' amino modifier C6 for dye incorporation. The labeled oligos were cleaned using QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen) to discard uncoupled dyes.
Hybridization protocol The labeled oligos were pooled together and dried in a vacuum dryer at 55 C. Microarray hybridizations were conducted based on the protocol for the rice array ( 200 ul hybridization buffer (made from 60 ul formamide, 50 ul of 20X SSC buffer, 10 ul of 2% SDS, 10 ul of 1 ug/ul hCOT I DNA, 10 ul of 1 ug/ul poly A and 1 ul of 20 ug/ul yeast tRNA filled with water to 200 ul) was used to dissolve the labeled oligos, then heated at 95 C for 30 seconds, and applied to the microarrays. Microarray slides have been pre-hybridized for 30 min with the pre-hybridization buffer (500 ul of 10 mg/ml Bovine serum albumin, 12.5 ml of 20X SSC buffer and 250 ul of 20% SDS filled with water to 50 ml). Hybridization was done using the automatic Lucidea SlidePro Hybridizer (Amersham Biosciences) and allowed to proceed for 16 hours at the hybridization temperature setting.
Scan protocol Microarray slides were scanned by the GenePix 4100A scanner and analyzed by the GenePix Pro 6 analysis software (Molecular Devices).
Description Refer to the series summarizing this data for more sample composition information.
Data processing Data presented here are background subtracted intensity values for each channel from the GenePix report file supplied. Further normalization and scaling are based on multiple hygromycin controls on each chip and are explained in the corresponding publication.
Submission date Feb 05, 2009
Last update date Oct 22, 2009
Contact name Hui-Hsien Chou
Phone 515-294-9242
Organization name Iowa State University
Department Genetics, Development and Cell Biology
Lab Complex Computation Lab
Street address 503 Science II
City Ames
State/province IA
ZIP/Postal code 50011
Country USA
Platform ID GPL8161
Series (1)
GSE14717 Direct calibration of PICKY-designed microarrays

Data table header descriptions
Code s1/s2: set 1 or set2; t/n: target or nontarget probe (set 2 Only); [n]: probe number; hygro: hygromycin control; n/a: unused feature
Flag GenePix flag; good (100), bad (-100), absent (-75), not found (-50) and unflagged (0)
Cy5 background subtracted Cy5 intensity value
Cy3 background subtracted Cy3 intensity value
VALUE GenePix calculated log2(Cy5/Cy3) ratio; null if invalid

Data table
ID_REF Code Flag Cy5 Cy3 VALUE
18659528 n/a -50 0 3 null
18686333 n/a -50 0 1 null
18706835 n/a -50 -13 -34 -1.387
18668516 n/a -50 23 -39 null
18670615 n/a -50 -6 -12 -1.000
18672808 n/a -50 3 45 -3.907
18674494 n/a -50 3 8 -1.415
18676252 n/a -50 -6 -27 -2.170
18678407 n/a -50 13 14 -0.107
18680143 n/a -50 16 14 0.193
18682334 n/a -50 11 -7 null
18684126 n/a -50 3 -1 null
18685878 n/a -50 12 -40 null
18688094 n/a -50 10 -14 null
18690144 n/a -50 16 -8 null
18692411 n/a -50 7 -19 null
18694086 n/a -50 18 0 16.610
18696546 n/a -50 18 46 -1.354
18698987 n/a -50 17 8 1.087
18700892 n/a -50 42 4 3.392

Total number of rows: 43767

Table truncated, full table size 1229 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM367555.gpr.gz 4.8 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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