Status |
Public on Feb 04, 2021 |
Title |
Fasted Knockout 4 |
Sample type |
Source name |
Mouse intestines without PC synthesis in the fasted state
Organism |
Mus musculus |
Characteristics |
tissue: Intestine age: 10-12 weeks Sex: female genotype: Pcyt1aLoxP/LoxP;VilCreERT2
Treatment protocol |
The mice were placed on a high fat diet for 4 days before being fasted overnight. Intestines were excised and opened longitudinally. 3 cm was removed from the geometric middle of the small intetsine (jejunum) and stored in liquid nitrogen.
Growth protocol |
Pcyt1aLoxp/LoxP;VilcreERT2 mice were treated with tamoxifen for 5 days to induce Cre recombinase, and LoxP/LoxP control mice were also treated with tamoxifen.
Extracted molecule |
total RNA |
Extraction protocol |
Trizol extraction folllowed by RNeasy column clean-up.
Label |
Label protocol |
Biotin labeled cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix WT Plus Kit Protocol from 400ng total RNA.
Hybridization protocol |
16-18 hours at 45 degrees Celcius as descibed in Affymetrix protocol.
Scan protocol |
Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 3000
Description |
Gene expression data from mouse intestines without PC synthesis in the fasted state
Data processing |
Expression Console using RMA normalization; TAC 3
Submission date |
Apr 14, 2019 |
Last update date |
Feb 04, 2021 |
Contact name |
René L Jacobs |
E-mail(s) |
Organization name |
University of Alberta
Department |
Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science; Biochemistry
Lab |
Jacobs Lab
Street address |
Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Research
City |
Edmonton |
State/province |
Alberta |
ZIP/Postal code |
T6G2E1 |
Country |
Canada |
Platform ID |
GPL16570 |
Series (1) |
GSE129776 |
Expression data from intestine samples of mice lacking intestinal Pcyt1a, which encodes an enzyme that reguates phosphatidylcholine synthesis. |