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Sample GSM3721929 Query DataSets for GSM3721929
Status Public on Feb 04, 2021
Title Fasted Knockout 4
Sample type RNA
Source name Mouse intestines without PC synthesis in the fasted state
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics tissue: Intestine
age: 10-12 weeks
Sex: female
genotype: Pcyt1aLoxP/LoxP;VilCreERT2
Treatment protocol The mice were placed on a high fat diet for 4 days before being fasted overnight. Intestines were excised and opened longitudinally. 3 cm was removed from the geometric middle of the small intetsine (jejunum) and stored in liquid nitrogen.
Growth protocol Pcyt1aLoxp/LoxP;VilcreERT2 mice were treated with tamoxifen for 5 days to induce Cre recombinase, and LoxP/LoxP control mice were also treated with tamoxifen.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Trizol extraction folllowed by RNeasy column clean-up.
Label Biotin
Label protocol Biotin labeled cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix WT Plus Kit Protocol from 400ng total RNA.
Hybridization protocol 16-18 hours at 45 degrees Celcius as descibed in Affymetrix protocol.
Scan protocol Affymetrix GeneChip Scanner 3000
Description Gene expression data from mouse intestines without PC synthesis in the fasted state
Data processing Expression Console using RMA normalization; TAC 3
Submission date Apr 14, 2019
Last update date Feb 04, 2021
Contact name René L Jacobs
Organization name University of Alberta
Department Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science; Biochemistry
Lab Jacobs Lab
Street address Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Research
City Edmonton
State/province Alberta
ZIP/Postal code T6G2E1
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL16570
Series (1)
GSE129776 Expression data from intestine samples of mice lacking intestinal Pcyt1a, which encodes an enzyme that reguates phosphatidylcholine synthesis.

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Expression Console RMA, Linear signal

Data table
17459769 1910.851567
17324803 186.1084822
17477979 556.4082496
17258168 227.5437264
17439388 86.22294892
17465170 837.531708
17301452 61.81992505
17472581 556.4082496
17364392 68.5935016
17236620 49.1800058
17520353 86.82267696
17359262 122.7858073
17489363 9.382679594
17505938 34.53530357
17359287 58.89200964
17547624 242.1907576
17329423 608.8740429
17217158 4.59479342
17346528 74.54294953
17426563 9.646462622

Total number of rows: 34472

Table truncated, full table size 699 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM3721929_FastedKO4.CEL.gz 8.7 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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