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Sample GSM410212 Query DataSets for GSM410212
Status Public on Nov 20, 2009
Title 13211118
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Seedling stage above ground tissue
Organism Zea mays
Characteristics genotype: BxRILM0057
tissue: Above ground seedling
developmental stage: 14 days old
sample name: Rep 4 BxRILM0057
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol total RNA extraction with Trizol, mRNA isolation with Oligotex Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as per manufacturer's instructions
Label Cy3
Label protocol Fluorescent cDNA targets were synthesized and hybridized as described at
Channel 2
Source name Seedling stage above ground tissue
Organism Zea mays
Characteristics genotype: MxRILM0057
tissue: Above ground seedling
developmental stage: 14 days old
sample name: Rep 4 MxRILM0057
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol total RNA extraction with Trizol, mRNA isolation with Oligotex Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as per manufacturer's instructions
Label Cy5
Label protocol Fluorescent cDNA targets were synthesized and hybridized as described at Labeled targets containing a minimum of 3000 picomoles of cDNA, 50 picomoles of Cy dye, and more than one dye molecule per 50 (100) bases of Cy3 (Cy5) were used for hybridizations.
Hybridization protocol Fluorescent targets were hybridized as described in the "cDNA microarray protocol" file at
Scan protocol Each microarray chip was scanned a minimum of four times with constant PMT and increasing laser power settings. Slides were scanned with a Pro Scan Array HT (Perkin Elmer, Wellesley, MA).
Description Maize seedlings were grown under controlled conditions and were harvested at the 14 day old stage. Total RNA was isolated from four replications of RIL@, B73xRIL, and Mo17xRIL for 30 RILs (with 6 individual seedlings pooled for each genotype in each replication) using Trizol reagent. Approximately 500 micrograms of total RNA were used for mRNA isolation with the OligoTex mRNA midi kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA ) as per manufacturer's protocol with slight modification. Two micrograms of mRNA were labeled according to Nakozono et al. (2003) with slight modifications. Each sample was labeled with Cy dye and hybridized to the GPL3333 platform (4 replications) and GPL3538 platform (2 replications).
Data processing All scans from each slide were quantified using ImaGene (BioDiscovery, El Segundo, CA). For each slide and dye combination, median scan intensities were extrapolated using data from the multiple scans collected using a variation of a previously published linear regression method (DUDLEY et al. 2002). Non-informative spots were removed prior to analysis. In total, 14,401 (GPL3333) and 14,260 (GPL3538) informative spots were analyzed. Within-slide correlation coefficient between the Cy3 and Cy5 background-corrected raw signal intensities was used to quantify the quality of each slide in the eQTL experiment. A correlation coefficient cutoff of 0.90 flagged 4% (N=15) of the SAM1.1 slides for removal prior to analysis. In many cases, these slides had visually apparent technical artifacts. Using the same cutoff for SAM3.0 slides, less than 1% (N=1) of the slides were below this cutoff, and none were removed. For the remaining slides, lowess normalization was applied to the natural log (ie, log base e) of the background-corrected raw signal intensities to remove signal-intensity-dependent dye effects on each slide (CUI et al. 2003; DUDOIT et al. 2002). Normalization was conducted separately for each slide to avoid introducing dependencies among expression values. After normalization, data for each slide/dye combination were median-centered so expression measures would be comparable across slides. Post-normalized data was summarized by taking the average of all technical and biological replicates within a genotype.
Submission date May 29, 2009
Last update date Nov 20, 2009
Contact name Patrick S. Schnable
Phone 515-294-0975
Organization name Iowa State University
Street address 2035B Roy J Carver Co-Lab
City Ames
State/province IA
ZIP/Postal code 50011
Country USA
Platform ID GPL3333
Series (1)
GSE16136 Regulation of Gene Expression and Parent-of-Origin Effects in Maize Hybrids

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized log e ratio value of background corrected intensities of red channel and green channel (ch2_norm - ch1_norm)
Ch1_Signal Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local signal region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch1_Background Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local background region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch1_Signal Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch1_Background Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local background region for green channel (Cy3)
Ch2_Signal Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local signal region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch2_Background Mean Pixel intensity avaeraged over the local background region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch2_Signal Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local signal region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch2_Background Median Median pixel intensity computed over the local background region for red channel (Cy5)
Ch1_norm Background corrected and normalized log value of green channel (Cy3)
Ch2_norm Background corrected and normalized log value of red channel (Cy5)

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Ch1_Signal Mean Ch1_Background Mean Ch1_Signal Median Ch1_Background Median Ch2_Signal Mean Ch2_Background Mean Ch2_Signal Median Ch2_Background Median Ch1_norm Ch2_norm
1 0.284965 2232.8867 695.2393 2062.0 559.5 2261.4213 989.7901 2284.5 954.0 0.267455948528011 0.552421257873882
2 -0.183099 1299.6184 741.7409 1214.5 659.0 1246.0526 994.265 1182.5 936.0 -0.696713716234245 -0.879812491330523
3 -0.338840 2089.613 693.3855 2016.0 611.0 1517.546 947.1649 1508.5 910.0 0.134394132828533 -0.204446364816238
4 -0.015615 751.0999 644.3269 639.5 532.0 982.3636 911.179 969.5 867.0 -1.80825804263877 -1.82387279656718
5 -0.062491 3107.2609 737.6069 2922.5 655.5 2249.8952 960.5972 2162.0 901.0 0.647460222018534 0.584969354580652
6 0.611388 2376.2238 668.0645 2125.5 567.5 2914.3872 1021.5747 2875.0 964.5 0.342688905627701 0.954076654660715
7 0.504011 1339.5 734.9344 1299.5 641.5 1581.2553 967.3931 1537.0 916.0 -0.616209352878379 -0.112198811012094
8 1.058359 1121.2015 693.9221 1042.0 588.5 1728.8778 893.7002 1716.0 845.0 -0.887364494179844 0.170994404318659
9 0.819990 1086.7656 686.984 995.5 622.0 1472.5213 900.4409 1436.0 862.0 -1.02110186335788 -0.201112348547841
10 0.606007 977.8181 674.5937 823.5 560.0 1377.1752 963.7585 1289.0 930.5 -1.12365759112431 -0.517650958402037
11 0.212809 1567.8148 696.8101 1423.0 568.5 1651.0672 974.4018 1577.0 939.5 -0.258162031079459 -0.0453533551911001
12 0.230378 1726.5889 667.2389 1538.0 554.0 1746.9399 928.1557 1713.5 893.0 -0.0962378702231872 0.134140336000561
13 0.009521 2020.551 695.1866 1833.0 574.0 1755.0344 960.2333 1698.0 907.0 0.116218890631906 0.125739445646254
14 -0.354010 979.7615 700.1119 963.0 579.0 1077.6182 961.4492 1008.0 915.5 -1.16881324276777 -1.52282370578358
15 0.020399 1149.6143 708.3839 1038.0 589.0 1238.1038 944.1279 1205.0 905.0 -0.829442699254815 -0.80904397891046
16 -0.493102 8693.7441 811.8895 8963.5 704.0 3716.5124 975.1879 3684.5 904.0 1.82085291462352 1.32775135596199
17 -0.495389 1965.6259 704.8324 1868.0 594.5 1328.3587 912.9359 1305.0 848.0 0.0579663618039934 -0.437422860077074
18 0.410202 787.6271 698.3866 658.0 627.0 999.1073 940.5828 974.0 873.5 -2.13593239737285 -1.72572990735588
19 0.349418 825.7402 655.9974 746.0 548.5 1103.5064 930.1809 1058.5 876.5 -1.53590000338308 -1.18648183063651
20 -0.231229 1291.1883 711.6417 1261.5 638.5 1178.5909 925.8582 1110.0 877.5 -0.678057837896048 -0.909286592117323

Total number of rows: 19200

Table truncated, full table size 1991 Kbytes.

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Processed data included within Sample table

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