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Sample GSM4201117 Query DataSets for GSM4201117
Status Public on Jun 05, 2020
Title ∆tri6-NPN-BR3
Sample type SRA
Source name Fungal mycelia
Organism Fusarium graminearum
Characteristics genotype: deltatri6
environmental conditions: non-preferred nutrient (NPN)
timepoint: 24 hrs
sequencing: Illumina NextSeq
Growth protocol 20,000 spores in 4 ml of PN medium were grown in 6-well plates (in the dark, at 28 degrees C, rotating at 160rpm); Samples destined for in NPN medium were then transferred to the NPN medium and grown for additional 24 hours under the same conditions. Mycelia was collected and frozen at -80 degrees C.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Mycelia was ground in liquid nitrogen; total RNA was purified using Trizol extraction method and cleaned using Invitrogen Stratec kit (Ref# 1061100200).
RNA libraries were prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Data processing Raw read QC and trimming (CLC Genomics V12). Parameters: ambiguous limit 2, quality limit 0.05, min number of nucleotides in reads 20, discard short reads.
RNAseq Analysis function in CLC Genomics V12. Parameters: one reference sequence per transcript, no spike-in controls, mismatch cost 2, indel cost 3, length fraction 0.9, similarity fraction 0.8, auto-detect paired distances, strand specific - both, max number of hits for a read 10, do not count paired reads as two, expression value in unique counts.
DESeq2 to normalize unique gene read counts and to obtain differential expression.
Genome_build: The reference used was the CDS of genes predicted in SPRZ00000000 in the NCBI WGS. The CDS fasta is provided in the processed files.
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: CSV file provides unique gene reads for each sample originated from CLC Genomics RNAseq analysis (Column Headers = Strain-Condition-Replicate#; Row Headers = Gene IDs).
Submission date Dec 03, 2019
Last update date Jun 05, 2020
Contact name Kristina Shostak
Organization name Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Street address 960 Carling Avenue
City Ottawa
ZIP/Postal code K1Y 4X2
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL27851
Series (1)
GSE141331 Gene expression analysis by RNAseq in Fusarium graminearum WT, TRI6 mutant (∆tri6) and a mutant constitutively expressing TRI6 (∆tri6/TRI6).
BioSample SAMN13470936
SRA SRX7256726

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