Status |
Public on May 24, 2012 |
Title |
cDNA array TM-1/Hai7124 15 DPA fiber set1 |
Sample type |
Channel 1 |
Source name |
15 DPA cotton fiber
Organism |
Gossypium hirsutum |
Characteristics |
strain: TM-1 tissue type: fibers developmental stage: 15 days post anthesis (DPA)
Treatment protocol |
Developing ovules of TM-1 and Hai7124 were excised from each boll at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 DPA, and fiber cells in 10-25 DPA ovules were carefully dissected from the ovules. All harvested plant materials were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at –70°C.
Growth protocol |
G. hirsutum acc. TM-1 and G. barbadense cv. Hai7124 plants were grown in the field (Nanjing, China) in 2006.
Extracted molecule |
total RNA |
Extraction protocol |
Total RNA of cotton was extracted from 5 DPA ovules and 10 to 25 DPA fibers of TM-1 and Hai7124 using a modified hot-borate method.
Label |
Label protocol |
Total RNA was labeled with Cy3 and Cy5 during cDNA synthesis using Klenow enzyme.
Channel 2 |
Source name |
15 DPA cotton fiber
Organism |
Gossypium barbadense |
Characteristics |
cultivar: Hai7124 tissue type: fibers developmental stage: 15 days post anthesis (DPA)
Treatment protocol |
Developing ovules of TM-1 and Hai7124 were excised from each boll at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 DPA, and fiber cells in 10-25 DPA ovules were carefully dissected from the ovules. All harvested plant materials were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at –70°C.
Growth protocol |
G. hirsutum acc. TM-1 and G. barbadense cv. Hai7124 plants were grown in the field (Nanjing, China) in 2006.
Extracted molecule |
total RNA |
Extraction protocol |
Total RNA of cotton was extracted from 5 DPA ovules and 10 to 25 DPA fibers of TM-1 and Hai7124 using a modified hot-borate method.
Label |
Label protocol |
Total RNA was labeled with Cy3 and Cy5 during cDNA synthesis using Klenow enzyme.
Hybridization protocol |
Cy3 and Cy5-labeled cDNA resolved in 80 µL hybridization solution (3×SSC, 0.2% SDS, 5 × Denhart’s, 25% formamide). DNA in hybridization solution was denatured at 95°C for 3 min prior to loading onto a microarray. Slides were hybridized at 42°C overnight and transferred to fresh containers with Wash Solution 1 (0.2% SDS, 2 × SSC) at 42°C for 5 min and then immersed in Wash Solution 2 (0.2 × SSC) at room temperature for 5 min.
Scan protocol |
All microarrays were scanned with a LuxScan scanner using the LuxScan 3.0 software (Captalbio Corp).
Description |
Comparison of gene expression profiles of G. hirsutum acc. TM-1 and G. barbadense cv. Hai7124 fiber at 15 DPA
Data processing |
All microarrays were analyzed using the LuxScan 3.0 software (Captalbio Corp). We quantified signal intensities of individual spots from the 16-bit TIFF images using LuxScan 3.0 software (Captalbio Corp). The nonlinear global-intensity-based LOWESS program (Yang et al., 2002) was applied for normalization.
Submission date |
Sep 09, 2009 |
Last update date |
May 24, 2012 |
Contact name |
Tianzhen Zhang |
E-mail(s) |
Phone |
Fax |
Organization name |
National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Cotton Research Institute
Lab |
Street address |
City |
Nanjing |
State/province |
Jiangsu |
ZIP/Postal code |
210095 |
Country |
China |
Platform ID |
GPL2610 |
Series (1) |
GSE18028 |
cDNA microarray expression profile during fiber elongation between G. hirsutum and G. barbadense |