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Sample GSM4830222 Query DataSets for GSM4830222
Status Public on Dec 07, 2020
Title DEV4
Sample type RNA
Source name Training 1
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics dataset group: Training 1
tissue: large B-cell lymphoma tissue
subtype (rmsg100): ABC
Treatment protocol n/a
Growth protocol n/a
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol High Pure formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPET) RNA Isolation Kit (Roche Molecular Systems, Pleasanton, California)
Label biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix protocol from 6 ug total RNA (Expression Analysis Technical Manual, 2001, Affymetrix).
Hybridization protocol Following fragmentation, 5 ug of cRNA were hybridized for 16-18 hr at 47C on GeneChip HG-U133_Plus_2 Genome Expression Array. GeneChips were washed and stained in the Affymetrix Fluidics Station 450.
Scan protocol GeneChips were scanned using the Affymetrix GeneChip® Scanner 3000.
Data processing Raw microarray data was pre-processed by an internal software tool developed at Roche Molecular Systems Inc., Pleasanton, CA, USA. Specifically, a special DQN signal used the quantities of beta distribution with p = 1.2 and q = 3 for normalization
Submission date Oct 13, 2020
Last update date Dec 08, 2020
Contact name Rajiv Dua
Organization name Roche Molecular Diagnostics
Street address 4300 Hacienda Dr
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94588
Country USA
Platform ID GPL570
Series (1)
GSE159472 Expression data from DLBCL expression study

Data table header descriptions
VALUE DQN signal intensity

Data table
AFFX-HUMISGF3A/M97935_5_at 0.528334141
AFFX-HUMISGF3A/M97935_MA_at 0.564705849
AFFX-HUMISGF3A/M97935_MB_at 0.432209909
AFFX-HUMISGF3A/M97935_3_at 0.525188506
AFFX-HUMRGE/M10098_5_at 0.966028631
AFFX-HUMRGE/M10098_M_at 0.962603092
AFFX-HUMRGE/M10098_3_at 1
AFFX-HUMGAPDH/M33197_5_at 0.843964577
AFFX-HUMGAPDH/M33197_M_at 0.788893819
AFFX-HUMGAPDH/M33197_3_at 0.857848704
AFFX-HSAC07/X00351_5_at 0.876525939
AFFX-HSAC07/X00351_M_at 0.791473448
AFFX-HSAC07/X00351_3_at 0.950966656
AFFX-M27830_5_at 0.970329821
AFFX-M27830_M_at 0.890970826
AFFX-M27830_3_at 0.042714167
AFFX-hum_alu_at 0.976458132
1007_s_at 0.30716899
1053_at 0.034841277
117_at 0.123081483

Total number of rows: 54630

Table truncated, full table size 1208 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM4830222_DEV4_pico_2.CEL.gz 4.3 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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