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Sample GSM511112 Query DataSets for GSM511112
Status Public on Apr 10, 2010
Title Ovx, Luminal, replicate 1
Sample type RNA
Source name FACS sorted mammary cell subpopulation
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics gender: female
cell subpopulation: Luminal
mouse type: OVX
mouse pool (biological replicate): 2
beadchip barcode: 5022575015
beadchip section: C
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated from the MaSC-enriched population (CD29hiCD24+) and luminal cells population (CD29loCD24+) sorted at > 90% purity using the miRNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen) and the DNA-free Kit (Ambion). RNA quality was ascertained using the Agilent Bioanalyser 2100 with the NanoChip protocol.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Up to 250 ng of RNA was labelled with the standard Total Prep RNA amplification kit (Ambion)
Hybridization protocol Complementary RNA (1.5 µg) was hybridised to Illumina MouseWG-6 V2 BeadChips.
Scan protocol After washing, chips were with Cy3 and scanned in an Illumina BeadArray Reader.
Description Ovx, Luminal, replicate 1
Data processing Un-normalized summary probe profiles were output from BeadStudio and analysed using the limma package of the Bioconductor open-source software project ( The raw intensities were normalized using the neqc function (which does normexp background correction and quantile normalisation using control probes) with offset 50.
Submission date Feb 18, 2010
Last update date Mar 30, 2010
Contact name Gordon K Smyth
Phone (+61 3) 9345 2326
Fax (+61 3) 9347 0852
Organization name Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Department Bioinformatics
Lab Smyth
Street address 1G Royal Pde
City Parkville
State/province Vic
ZIP/Postal code 3052
Country Australia
Platform ID GPL6887
Series (2)
GSE20401 Mammary epithelial cell subpopulations from control and ovariectomized mice
GSE22446 Control of mammary stem cell function by steroid hormone signalling.

Data table header descriptions
VALUE limma computed log2-expression values

Data table
ILMN_2417611 6.027477998
ILMN_2762289 6.017061447
ILMN_2896528 12.47748353
ILMN_2721178 10.29972475
ILMN_2458837 5.93325148
ILMN_3033922 11.27943002
ILMN_3092673 13.43381868
ILMN_1230777 12.75268669
ILMN_1246069 11.04376591
ILMN_1232042 6.004052893
ILMN_1243193 10.58400465
ILMN_2524361 6.313723474
ILMN_1242440 6.016385314
ILMN_1233188 6.286599526
ILMN_2543688 7.791525231
ILMN_1259789 6.513248068
ILMN_2816356 7.021378613
ILMN_1224596 8.234611569
ILMN_1233643 6.052460013
ILMN_2808939 10.35615083

Total number of rows: 45281

Table truncated, full table size 1100 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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