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Sample GSM513285 Query DataSets for GSM513285
Status Public on Feb 25, 2010
Title 0 Dis V-9.2 (A25041)
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name Dis V-9.2 (A25041)
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics strain name: Dis V-9.2 (A25041)
Biomaterial provider Eduardo Torres, Amon Lab, MIT
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Extraction method: Hoffman-Winston prep:
Label Cy3
Label protocol reference URL:
Channel 2
Source name wt
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics strain name: wt
Biomaterial provider Eduardo Torres, Amon Lab, MIT
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Extraction method: Hoffman-Winston prep:
Label Cy5
Label protocol reference URL:
Hybridization protocol reference URL:
Scan protocol Pixel Size : 5
Scan Date : 2007-11-07
Scan Time : 10:52:42
Scanner Make : Agilent Technologies Scanner
Scanner Model : G2505B
Description Detailed protocols are available in '', which is linked to the Series GSE20464 record as a supplementary file.
0 Dis V-9.2 (A25041)
Data processing Extraction Software : Agilent Feature Extractor
Extraction Software Version :
Datafile type : Agilent result file
Normalizaton: Default settings of Agilent Feature Extractor
Submission date Feb 22, 2010
Last update date Nov 15, 2012
Contact name Maitreya J. Dunham
Phone 206-543-2338
Organization name University of Washington
Department Genome Sciences
Lab Dunham Lab
Street address Foege Building, S403B, Box 355065
City Seattle
State/province WA
ZIP/Postal code 98195-5065
Country USA
Platform ID GPL7542
Series (1)
GSE20464 Identification of Aneuploidy-Tolerating Mutations

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Uniquely identifies feature/spot in array layout.
R_PROCESSED_SIGNAL The propagated feature signal in the red channel, used for computation of log ratio
G_PROCESSED_SIGNAL The propagated feature signal in the green channel, used for computation of log ratio
R_MEAN_SIGNAL Mean foreground intensity Ch 2.
G_MEAN_SIGNAL Mean foreground intensity Ch 1.

Data table
1 -0.222 1097.875 941.4841 17438.53 11123.34
2 0 .6227916 .9464942 159.2295 207.6557
3 0 .6207505 .9427726 151.7778 202.381
4 0 .6187489 .9392342 151.2281 204.386
5 0 .6167776 .9358396 151.4921 199.5556
6 0 .6149522 .9327284 156.5333 207.0167
7 0 .612842 .9292996 137.4762 202.4762
8 0 .6110056 .9263405 143.2419 206.3226
9 0 .6093094 .92366 143.2656 203.3125
10 0 .6075297 .9209165 153 209.5167
11 0 .6059328 .9184996 147.7679 199.1964
12 -0.102 1076.37 1002.566 17677.33 12267.6
13 -0.231 1523.838 1298.243 25020.16 15861.9
14 -0.016 901.963 892.2288 14911.7 10990.22
15 -0.126 1154.606 1057.699 19085.79 13016.75
16 -0.295 1315.316 1072.285 21769.19 13220.53
18 -0.067 1226.442 1171.043 20393.6 14471.29
19 0.158 674.2301 752.2335 11307.51 9385.571
20 -0.139 1336.87 1214.356 22299.28 15046.93
21 -0.011 699.9122 694.3634 11773.84 8705.161

Total number of rows: 45018

Table truncated, full table size 2092 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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