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Sample GSM5133506 Query DataSets for GSM5133506
Status Public on Sep 23, 2021
Title Huh75 HCV Tela rep1
Sample type genomic
Source name HCV Telaprevir
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: liver
cell line: Huh75
disease: HCC
Treatment protocol Each cell line (referred to as the ‘parent’ cell line) was electroporated with full-length HCV JFH-1 RNA or JFH-1/GND (replication defective control) and selected with G418 for two weeks). Following establishment of clonal derivatives with stable HCV replication, cells were treated with either interferon-α (Sigma-Aldrich human recombinant interferon-α 407294-5MU; 1200IU/mL every 3 days for 2 weeks) or the direct-acting antiviral (DAA) Telaprevir (Incivek Telaprevir 375mg resuspended in DMSO; 30µM final concentration every 3 days for 2 weeks).
Growth protocol All cultured cells were grown in DMEM with 10% FBS.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted by proteinase K treatment, phenol:chloroform extraction, and ethanol precipitation.
Label Cy5 and Cy3
Label protocol Standard Illumina Infinium Methylation assay protocol
Hybridization protocol bisulphite converted DNA was amplified, fragmented and hybridised to Illumina Infinium Human MethylationEPIC Beadchip using standard Illumina protocol
Scan protocol Arrays were imaged using Illumina iScan using standard recommended Illumina scanner setting
Description Huh75_HCV_Tela_1
Data processing Subset-quantile Within Array Normalization (SWAN) via R Bioconductor package "minfi".
matrix signal intensities value definition: Unmethylated and methylated signal intensities
matrix processed :Average Beta
Submission date Mar 03, 2021
Last update date Sep 23, 2021
Contact name Keith D Robertson
Phone 507-266-4886
Organization name Mayo Clinic
Department Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics
Lab Epigenetic Etiology of Human Disease Laboratory
Street address 200 First Street SW, Stabile 12-70
City Rochester
State/province MN
ZIP/Postal code 55905
Country USA
Platform ID GPL21145
Series (2)
GSE168185 Interferon drives hepatitis C virus scarring of the epigenome and creates targetable vulnerabilities following viral clearance [array]
GSE168186 Hepatitis C virus scarring of the epigenome and creates targetable vulnerabilities following viral clearance

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM5133506_200482880051_R08C01_Grn.idat.gz 7.0 Mb (ftp)(http) IDAT
GSM5133506_200482880051_R08C01_Red.idat.gz 7.1 Mb (ftp)(http) IDAT
Processed data are available on Series record

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