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Sample GSM5213539 Query DataSets for GSM5213539
Status Public on Aug 08, 2021
Title col0_total_NanoPare_2
Sample type SRA
Source name inflorescence
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Characteristics tissue: inflorescence
genotype: wildtype (col0)
rna isolation: TRIzol
library preparation: NanoPARE
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was extracted with the standard TRIzol method.
NanoPARE and SMART-seq2 mRNA library preparation was performed as previously reported. cDNA was tagmented using the Illumina Nextera DNA library preparation kit, purified using the Zymo 5× DNAClean and Concentrator kit (ZymoResearch) and eluted with nuclease-free water. For final enrichment PCR, the purified reaction was split and amplified either with Tn5.1/TSO enrichment oligonucleotide or Tn5.2/TSO enrichment oligonucleotide primer sets. PCR reaction products with Tn5.1/TSO enrichment oligonucleotide and Tn5.2/TSO enrichment oligonucleotide primer sets were pooled and purified using AMPureXP DNA beads.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 2500
Description mRNA 5'-end sequencing
Data processing nanoPARE Analysis Tools
Read trimming - Cutadapt
Read mapping - STAR
5p-end calssifcation and quantification - EndGraph
Genome_build: TAIR10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: TPM
Submission date Mar 26, 2021
Last update date Aug 08, 2021
Contact name Stefan Oberlin
Organization name ETH Zürich
Department Department of Biology
Street address Universitätstrasse 2
City Zürich
ZIP/Postal code 8092
Country Switzerland
Platform ID GPL17639
Series (1)
GSE167484 Innate, translation-dependent silencing of an invasive transposon in Arabidopsis
BioSample SAMN18511121
SRA SRX10458494

Supplementary data files not provided
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