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Sample GSM52945 Query DataSets for GSM52945
Status Public on Jun 10, 2005
Title RNA PolII in HeLa cell, 30 minutes - rep1 of 3
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name Chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA using RNA polymersase II antibody
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Channel 2
Source name input DNA
Organism Homo sapiens
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Description Genome-wide location analysis of RNA polymerase II binding using RenLab ENCODE PCR tiling array. Array ID is ENC737. Replicate 1 of 3.
Submission date Jun 07, 2005
Last update date Jun 24, 2005
Contact name Chunxu Qu
Phone (858)822-5767
Organization name Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Department Gene Regulation
Lab RenLab
Street address
City San Diego
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 92093
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1454
Series (1)
GSE2730 ENCODE: GWLA analysis of a few promoter and enhancer markers in HeLa cells

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 ratio
STATISTICS X-statistics
P-VAL p-value calculated using single array error model
F635_INT normalized F635 intensity with background intensity as well as blank intensity subtracted
F532_INT normalized F532 intensity witn background intensity as well as blank intensity subtracted
F635_MEDIAN F635 median intensity
F635_MEAN F635 mean intensity
F635_SD F635 standard deviation
B635_MEDIAN B635 median intensity
B635_MEAN B635 mean intensity
B635_SD B635 standard deviation
F532_MEDIAN F532 median intensity
F532_MEAN F532 mean intensity
F532_SD F532 standard deviation
B532_MEDIAN B532 median intensity
B532_MEAN B532 mean intensity
B532_SD B532 standard deviation

Data table
1 0.462666 1.29507932e-01 1.36905059e-01 396.7284 287.8836 865 919 506 142 174 148 1021 1011 323 445 449 124
2 0.558231 2.05759334e-01 4.10483647e-02 1308.4530 888.6152 1681 1759 616 140 269 534 1707 1744 426 452 572 544
3 0.235860 9.27920261e-02 2.16495337e-01 3663.5257 3110.9888 4386 4312 1142 135 191 248 4204 4104 943 444 458 158
4 0.374314 1.44851885e-01 1.10478874e-01 2119.9629 1635.4927 2514 2574 777 139 186 216 2517 2447 509 442 453 148
5 0.282042 1.06414355e-01 1.84275280e-01 1884.9891 1550.2645 2399 2362 910 137 177 192 2469 2350 699 435 447 143
6 0.439485 1.64346977e-01 8.24593905e-02 1739.7193 1282.8653 2157 2177 834 123 161 170 2103 2060 551 423 432 119
7 -0.246438 -5.98293742e-02 6.93414694e-01 171.9409 203.9691 246 361 357 124 161 154 654 687 238 427 441 132
8 -0.316893 -1.23534995e-01 8.51724816e-01 1291.1777 1608.3496 1775 1828 536 129 172 169 2343 2377 423 423 441 143
9 0.263263 8.14382297e-02 2.45680518e-01 362.0431 301.6548 809 858 405 129 162 142 1009 1033 257 434 444 146
10 0.292010 8.40498321e-02 2.38785874e-01 309.7834 253.0197 715 763 397 119 157 151 894 895 261 433 440 129
11 0.588578 1.99844232e-01 4.56417523e-02 1111.0892 738.8722 1466 1568 758 128 181 275 1572 1600 575 433 462 240
12 0.023884 9.48982309e-03 4.68043808e-01 2987.1074 2938.0629 3653 3611 966 128 221 422 3978 3894 705 439 495 338
13 0.605688 2.29894062e-01 2.60332153e-02 1899.4522 1248.2398 2350 2318 650 129 211 353 2033 2061 403 454 491 261
14 0.461740 1.74321058e-01 7.03758928e-02 1838.4375 1334.9080 2241 2271 763 124 158 144 2182 2139 573 450 459 129
15 0.555752 2.05676431e-01 4.11100505e-02 1526.2150 1038.2875 1902 1956 706 130 171 167 1855 1854 472 435 443 131
16 0.339865 1.30702018e-01 1.34705437e-01 1299.4941 1026.7498 1754 1749 528 126 169 184 1836 1840 355 427 438 161
17 0.152457 6.01287317e-02 3.05697792e-01 1665.5107 1498.4880 2095 2149 595 128 184 232 2237 2276 366 424 474 1270
18 0.897032 3.08708989e-01 4.54616205e-03 1035.7834 556.2055 1434 1486 561 119 161 187 1402 1406 329 408 416 128
19 0.177032 6.92257349e-02 2.79290259e-01 2549.7567 2255.3122 3064 3062 913 110 150 177 3153 3088 756 397 404 124
20 0.004867 1.87275524e-03 4.93687156e-01 1689.7147 1684.0238 2156 2181 795 117 154 162 2497 2441 638 396 410 128

Total number of rows: 25392

Table truncated, full table size 2881 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM52945.gpr.gz 2.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR

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