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Sample GSM5389316 Query DataSets for GSM5389316
Status Public on Mar 31, 2022
Title Normal sample of Monkey RM10 (RRBS)
Sample type SRA
Source name COLON
Organism Macaca mulatta
Characteristics tissue: Normal
sample id: RM10
gender: Female
mlh1 c.1029 (c>g) germline mutation status: Wild type
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Macro-dissection was performed to decrease the admixture of adjacent normal tissue and to enrich the percentage of tumor material for subsequent RNA extraction. De-paraffinization of FFPE tumor and adjacent normal specimens was performed using QIAGEN de-paraffinization solution (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA). DNA and RNA from 19 tumor and adjacent normal samples was extracted using the AllPrep DNA/RNA FFPE Kit (QIAGEN) following the manufacturer’s protocol. In the case of the unavailability of FFPE samples, genomic DNA and RNA were extracted from fresh frozen tumor (n=2) and normal (n=3) samples using the ZR-Duet DNA/RNA MiniPrep extraction kit (ZYMO RESEARCH, Irvine, CA). Quantification was performed with a NanoDrop One™ spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) and Qubit™ Fluorometer 2.0 (Qubit, San Francisco, CA) using dsDNA and RNA assay kits. RNA integrity was analyzed using the Tape Station RNA assay kit (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA).
DNA libraries of RRBS were constructed from FFPE tissue samples of 14 tumors/adjacent normal tissue pairs using the Ovation RRBS Methyl-Seq System at The Epigenomics Profiling Core (EpiCore) of MDACC. In preparation, DNA was digested with a restriction enzyme and selected for size based on established protocols used in the EpiCore. Post-adapter ligation ensured enrichment for CpG islands, and DNA was bisulfite-treated, amplified with universal primers, and qualified libraries were then sequenced on Novaseq6000™ and MiSeq sequencers at the UTMDACC ATG
Library strategy Bisulfite-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection RANDOM
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Data processing FASTQC toolkit was performed for quality control of FASTQ files
TrimGalore was performed to trim adapters and low-quality reads
Diversity trimming and filtering were completed with NuGEN’s diversity trimming scripts
Processed fastq files were aligned to the reference genome (Mmul_10) with bismark bisulfite mapper.
The methylation information was extracted with bismark methylation extractor script.
Genome_build: Mmul_10
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: bedGraph file with the estimated methylation rate 
Submission date Jun 17, 2021
Last update date Mar 31, 2022
Contact name Eduardo Vilar-Sanchez
Organization name The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Street address 1515 Holcombe Blvd
City Houston
State/province TX
ZIP/Postal code 77030
Country USA
Platform ID GPL27943
Series (2)
GSE178377 Rhesus Macaque Model of Mismatch Repair-Deficient Colorectal Cancer (RRBS)
GSE178383 Rhesus Macaque Model of Mismatch Repair-Deficient Colorectal Cancer
BioSample SAMN19761614
SRA SRX11172001

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM5389316_NOL30.bedGraph.gz 132.0 Mb (ftp)(http) BEDGRAPH
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Raw data are available in SRA
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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