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Sample GSM5437412 Query DataSets for GSM5437412
Status Public on Feb 04, 2022
Title A9
Sample type SRA
Source name kidney
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics genotype: Col4a3-/-
tissue: kidney
strain: 129SJ x C57Bl/6J
treatment: PBS QW
group name: Veh
Treatment protocol Col4a3-/- mice were treated from 5 weeks of age with weekly (QW) Sub-Cutaneous injection of PBS (Vehicle), Lademirsen at 50mg/kg in PBS (Anti-miR-21) or ramipril at 11 mg/L ad libitum in drinking water (ACEi) and sacrificed at 15 weeks of age. Wild type mice (WT) did not receive any treatment.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated by TRIzol and chloroform extraction from homogenized adipose tissue followed by RNeasy purification to remove genomic DNA (Qiagen).
RNA-seq of total RNA samples was conducted on the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform, producing 100bp paired-end reads
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 2000
Data processing Using Array Studio version 9.0 (Omicsoft Corporation, a Qiagen Company), reads were filtered according to the following protocol: Trimming /Mode=TrimByQuality /ReadTrimQuality=20; FilterSource IlluminaAdapters,Ercc /CustomFile=""; Options /FileFormat=AUTO /QualityEncoding=Automatic /WriteFilterFiles=False /EnableLengthCutoff=True /LengthCutoff=25 /EnableMaxQualityCutoff=False /MaxQualityCutoff=15 /EnableAverageQualityCutoff=True /AverageQualityCutoff=15 /EnablePolyRateCutoff=True /PolyRateCutoff=75 /OutputFolder="/site/ne/data/bi/omicsoft/FtpRootCR/Users/soka01/wax.1055_test/wax1057_test" /CompressionMethod=Gzip /Gzip=True /PairedEnd=True /FilterPairByBothEnds=True /ParallelJobNumber=32; End;
Using Array Studio version 9.0 Mapping to the reference was as follows: Reference Mouse.B38; GeneModel Ensembl.R83; Trimming /Mode=TrimByQuality /ReadTrimQuality=20; Options /ParallelJobNumber=32 /PairedEnd=True /FileFormat=AUTO /AutoPenalty=True /FixedPenalty=2 /Greedy=false /IndelPenalty=2 /DetectIndels=True /MaxMiddleInsertionSize=10 /MaxMiddleDeletionSize=10 /MaxEndInsertionSize=10 /MaxEndDeletionSize=10 /MinDistalEndSize=3 /ExcludeNonUniqueMapping=False /ReportCutoff=10 /OutputFolder="/site/ne/data/bi/omicsoft/FtpRootCR/Users/soka01/Alport_kidney_RNAseq/Study13-04182_April2016/B38_R83_mapped" /ThreadNumber=8 /InsertSizeStandardDeviation=40 /ExpectedInsertSize=200 /MatePair=False /InsertOnSameStrand=False /InsertOnDifferentStrand=True /QualityEncoding=Automatic /CompressionMethod=Gzip /Gzip=True /SearchNovelExonJunction=True /ExcludeUnmappedInBam=False /KeepFullRead=False /Replace=False /Platform=ILLUMINA /CompressBam=False; Output Alport kidney 4.16; End;
Using Array Studio version 9.0 counts & FPKM values were generated using the following parameters: Begin ReportGeneTranscriptCounts /Namespace=NgsLib /RunOnServer=True; Project alport.kidney.study13-04182; Data "alport.kidney.study13-04182.exu09sep2016.ricbr01\\Alport kidney 4.16"; GeneModel Ensembl.R83; Options /ExpressionMeasurement=RPKM+Count /ParallelJobNumber=32 /Add1=False /CountFragments=True /ExcludeMultiReads=False /UseEffectiveTranscriptLength=False /CountStrandedReads=True /CountReverseStrandedReads=True /AutoTrimUtr=False /OutputFolder="/site/ne/data/bi/omicsoft/FtpRootCR/Users/soka01/Alport_kidney_RNAseq/Study13-04182_April2016/B38_R83_mapped"; Output alport kidney 4.16; End;
Using Array Studio version transcripts were filtered based on counts as follows: By Variable; Filter Sum>=0.1; Options /Group=(all) /ApplyToAllGroups=True /CountingCutoff=5 /FilterByDetection=False; Output counts_greaterthan0.1; End; End;
Using Array Studio version, normalized FPKM values were transformed as follows: Data alport.kidney.study13-04182\\alport kidney 4.16.FPKM /Variables=alport.kidney.study13-04182\\counts_greaterthan0.1; By Observation; Options /Normalization=ScaleQuantile /Parameter1=75 /Parameter2=10; Output filteredFPKM_ScaleQuantNorm; End;
Using Array Studio version expression data were log transformed as follows: Data alport.kidney.study13-04182\\alport kidney 4.16.FPKM; Options /Transformation=Log2 /Add=1; Output alport kidney 4.16_log2FPKM; End;
Genome_build: Omicsoft Mouse.B38
Submission date Jul 12, 2021
Last update date Feb 04, 2022
Contact name herve husson
Phone 6172578094
Organization name Sanofi
Department genomics medicine unit
Street address 49 New York Avenue
City Framingham
State/province ma
ZIP/Postal code 01701
Country USA
Platform ID GPL13112
Series (1)
GSE179938 Anti-microRNA-21 therapy on top of ACE-inhibition delays renal failure in Alport syndrome mouse models
BioSample SAMN20172697
SRA SRX11412348

Supplementary data files not provided
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Raw data are available in SRA
Processed data are available on Series record

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