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Sample GSM553698 Query DataSets for GSM553698
Status Public on Jun 10, 2010
Title Rhodocuccus jostii RHA1 was grown in the sterilized soil with biphenyl, replicate 1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Rhodocuccus jostii RHA1 was grown in the sterilized soil with biphenyl at 3 day
Organism Rhodococcus jostii RHA1
Characteristics strain: Rhodocuccus jostii RHA1
growth conditions: grown in the sterilized soil with biphenyl at 3 day
Biomaterial provider none
Treatment protocol none
Growth protocol Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 was grown in the sterilized soil with 10 mM biphenyl at 30°C
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Cell pellets were vortexed with glass beads, hot phenol, and SDS at final concentrations of 14.3% and 0.9% (vol/vol) respectively. Debris was precipitated with acetate followed by the addition of 4.0 mL phenol-chloroform (1:1, vol/vol). Nucleic acids were precipitated with acetate plus isopropanol, treated with DNase, and purified with an RNeasy mini column (Qiagen).
Label Cy5
Label protocol Cy-labelled cDNA was prepared by indirect labelling. the Cy3/Cy5 dyes were reversed to control for dye bias.
Channel 2
Source name Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 was grown in W minimal liquid medium with biphenyl
Organism Rhodococcus jostii RHA1
Characteristics strain: Rhodococcus jostii RHA1
growth conditions: grown in W minimal liquid medium with biphenyl
Biomaterial provider none
Treatment protocol none
Growth protocol mid-exponential phase, Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 was grown in W minimal liquid medium with 10 mM biphenyl at 30°C and 120 rpm
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Cell pellets were vortexed with glass beads, hot phenol, and SDS at final concentrations of 14.3% and 0.9% (vol/vol) respectively. Debris was precipitated with acetate followed by the addition of 4.0 mL phenol-chloroform (1:1, vol/vol). Nucleic acids were precipitated with acetate plus isopropanol, treated with DNase, and purified with an RNeasy mini column (Qiagen).
Label Cy3
Label protocol Cy-labelled cDNA was prepared by indirect labelling. the Cy3/Cy5 dyes were reversed to control for dye bias.
Hybridization protocol The microarray slides were pre-hybridized using 5X SSC containing 0.1% SDS and 0.2% BSA for 45 minutes at 48°C and used immediately for hybridization in a GeneTac HybStation (Genomic Solution). Equal amounts of differentially labelled cDNA – 50 million pixels as measured by ImageQuant 5.2 (Molecular Dynamics) – from T = 48 h and T = 0 cells were hybridized at 42°C for 17 h with agitation using 120 uL per slide of SlideHyb#1 hybridization solution (Ambion). The post-hybridization washing consisted of 3 cycles of 20 second incubations with each of the following solutions: 2X SSC plus 0.1% SDS (medium stringency) at 42°C; 0.1X SSC plus 0.05% SDS (high stringency) at 25°C; and 0.1X SSC (low stringency) at 25°C. Lastly, the slides were dipped in 0.2X SSC and dried by centrifugation at 225 x g for 5 min at room temperature.
Scan protocol Microarray slides were scanned with a GenePix 4000B scanner (Axon Instruments) and spot intensities were quantified using Imagene 6.1 (BioDiscovery, Inc.).
Description none
Data processing Expression ratios were normalized using GeneSpring version 7.3.1 (Silicon Genetics) by the intensity-dependent Lowess method, with 20% of the data used for smoothing. Replicate spots of the same type were combined to yield a single normalized ratio, which is output for the first ID_REF number representing that spot type.
Submission date Jun 08, 2010
Last update date Jun 09, 2010
Contact name Toju Iino
Phone +81-258-47-9427
Fax +81-258-47-9450
Organization name Nagaoka University of Technology
Department Dept. Bioengineering
Lab Microbial Engineering
Street address 1603-1 Kamitomioka
City Nagaoka
State/province Niigata
ZIP/Postal code 940-2188
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL7627
Series (1)
GSE22240 Rhododoccus jostii RHA1 was grown in the sterilized soil with biphenyl

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized ratio of means defined as CH1 divided by CH2
CH1_SIG_MEAN Channel 1 mean signal intensity
CH1_BKD_MEAN Channel 1 mean background intensity
CH2_SIG_MEAN Channel 2 mean signal intensity
CH2_BKD_MEAN Channel 2 mean background intensity

Data table
1 1.033 114.2676 100.6029 98.8507 91.7006
2 102.7887 131.0592 101.2777 100.7229
3 145.2222 147.4595 133.0416 108.8905
4 0.764 411.8793 146.1295 491.5714 105.6543
5 8.787 8823.9316 160.62 1128.7102 111.0041
6 109.8194 154.6205 98.5217 110.1212
7 443.0476 181.2564 200.2698 128.0132
8 0.89 16038.9638 242.301 13614.5341 170.7737
9 227.2898 245.1721 162.7878 163.9084
10 1.311 607.2285 237.7865 481.8999 155.2687
11 0.694 320.4366 221.7901 197.5081 143.0019
12 22.69 10734 227.7168 641.1527 145.4758
13 6.96 3506.8332 228.4873 488.1643 146.1085
14 0.809 754.6527 261.0674 743.971 158.0729
15 0.817 1090.4615 294.0082 686.5845 171.2484
16 1.477 315.1831 256.6914 188.4084 156.6148
17 1.214 238.5 236.9811 138.1999 143.4988
18 225.2463 201.8737 150.746 135.3826
19 2.945 325.6153 110.5883 204.2343 96.1225
20 1.305 274.5217 132.1202 256.9444 104.6399

Total number of rows: 13824

Table truncated, full table size 597 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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