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Sample GSM5604 Query DataSets for GSM5604
Status Public on Apr 05, 2003
Title Spleen vs Interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) Treated B cell 30min (set3)
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Spleen was labeled with Cyanine-3 (green).
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name Interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) Treated B cells were labeled with Cyanine-5 (red)
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description total RNA from mouse (male c57BL/6) spleen
total RNA from mouse (male c57BL/6) B cells treated with Interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) for 30min
Submission date Apr 04, 2003
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Sangdun Choi
Phone 626-395-8732
Organization name California Institute of Technology
Department Biology
Lab Alliance for Cellular Signaling Molecular Biology Laboratory
Street address 1200 E. California Blvd
City Pasadena
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 91125
Country USA
Platform ID GPL260
Series (2)
GSE384 Spleen vs IFN gamma Treated B cell
GSE2050 Major Patterns of B Cell Gene Expression Changes in Response to Short-Term Stimulation with 33 Single Ligands

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Feature number which correpond to the order of genes on the array
RATIO Raw Log10 Ratio
G_PROCESSED Green Processed signal, after dye normalization and background subtraction, used for computation of log ratio
R_PROCESSED Red Processed signal, after dye normalization and background subtraction, used for computation of log ratio
G_MEAN Green Channel Mean Intensity
R_MEAN Red Channel Mean Intensity
G_MEDIAN Green Channel Median Intensity
R_MEDIAN Red Channel Median Intensity
G_SD Green Channel Standard Deviation
R_SD Red Channel Standard Deviation
G_BG_MEAN Green Channel Mean Background Level
R_BG_MEAN Red Channel Mean Background Level
G_BG_MEDIAN Green Channel Median Background Level
R_BG_MEDIAN Red Channel Median Background Level
G_BG_SD Green Channel Background Standard Deviation
R_BG_SD Red Channel Background Standard Deviation
VALUE Processed Log2 Ratio after removing saturated spots, spot below 2.6XSD of background, and nonuniform spots.

Data table
1 -0.0863956 32746.9 26839.5 65516.9 65516.6 65517 65516.5 0.785955 0.634126 763.914 1213.44 762 1212 33.4321 68.1829 0
2 0.0581581 153.347 175.321 1022.07 1616.39 1032 1640.5 63.1177 130.779 753.981 1199.43 754 1211 27.2695 65.1438 0
3 0.10318 19.4181 24.6255 726.182 1237.05 722 1229 31.8712 54.4719 736.34 1181.03 737 1182 23.7618 67.6271 0
4 -0.0687986 75.7714 64.6706 855.769 1300.04 858 1294.5 36.2473 68.9356 732.78 1166.33 733.5 1165.5 28.7997 70.5833 0
5 0.271834 21.9495 41.0448 756.48 1247.44 757 1226 28.0374 95.7741 733.007 1163.72 735 1163 27.1742 65.8002 0
6 -0.00989947 461.08 450.689 1569.69 2300.88 1574 2308 104.927 144.617 738.585 1170.62 739 1166 28.6739 61.9727 0
7 0.257884 24.7104 44.7469 758.042 1261.96 748 1247 41.5865 72.6477 729.693 1168.87 727 1168 31.0054 63.4334 0
8 0 22.8288 19.4896 730.4 1197.96 731 1207 18.2643 75.1024 733.478 1170.49 730 1171 31.4702 67.0306 0
9 0.244955 4125.12 7250.91 9356.64 17576.3 9324 17351 360.414 810.421 739.127 1180.72 738 1179 29.7066 61.8104 0.813722896
10 0.279647 843.999 1606.9 2353.77 5127.73 2095.5 4295 729.384 2033.2 738.993 1212.56 737 1210 27.1683 71.3932 0
11 0 20.036 23.1161 739.92 1209.32 731 1223 41.512 61.4429 732.237 1188.28 730 1182.5 29.0595 75.5659 0
12 0 24.0588 18.375 732.393 1161.32 740.5 1159 32.9796 62.4138 730.573 1182.98 728.5 1178.5 31.2288 67.1172 0
13 0 20.9672 20.7383 719.652 1140.52 710 1144 26.0343 35.0154 717.787 1146.88 715 1148 28.4427 72.4821 0
14 0.19664 739.544 1163.06 2099.04 3979.39 2121.5 4039.5 243.734 476.345 709.553 1107.34 708 1103 26.2916 63.8594 0.653223941
15 0.173833 3485.59 5201.27 7978.71 12834.8 9334.5 13701.5 4708.95 7976.6 702.447 1079.27 697.5 1074 26.1713 65.9713 0
16 0.223075 1514.29 2530.95 3739.13 6947.92 3505 6662.5 806.729 1387.03 693.364 1043.21 691 1044 24.5573 58.2924 0.74103911
17 -0.398859 391.805 156.391 1391.96 1382.3 1388 1367 233.857 115.968 690.871 1013.85 686 1010 26.0356 54.2716 -1.324980918
18 0.168227 545.397 803.415 1696.04 3017.24 1691 3058 154.663 252.078 693.617 1007.1 692 1003 25.354 56.5333 0.558837998
19 0.333787 4876.91 10517.9 10862.6 24821.6 11063.5 25480.5 1291.14 2936.63 686.784 987.568 684 984 25.6853 57.2124 1.108816413
20 0.0330358 5772.16 6228.37 12736.7 15047.4 12848 14921 1498.13 1851.27 678.086 964.798 674 963 26.0546 60.5832 0.109742552

Total number of rows: 16273

Table truncated, full table size 1969 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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