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Sample GSM596180 Query DataSets for GSM596180
Status Public on Sep 25, 2010
Title GM17112 (510S)
Sample type genomic
Source name lymphoblastoid cell line GM17112
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics ethnic group: AA African-American
cell line (coriell id): GM17112
wei id: Wei048
cell type: EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cells
Biomaterial provider Coriell Cell Repositories
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was purchased from the Coriell Cell Repository (Camden, NJ), which was extracted from the cell cultures in the Repositories
Label C-Bio and A-DNP
Label protocol 750 ng of high quality DNA samples are denatured and neutralized, and then are isothermally amplified in an overnight step. The amplified product is fragmented by a controlled enzymatic process that does not require gel electrophoresis. The process uses end-point fragmentation to avoid overfragmenting the sample. After an isopropanol precipitation, the fragmented DNA is collected by centrifugation at 4ÂșC, and resuspended in a hybridization buffer.
Hybridization protocol Samples are applied to each BeadChip. The loaded BeadChip is incubated overnight in the Illumina Hybridization Oven. The amplified and fragmented DNA samples anneal to locus-specific 50mers (covalently linked to one of over 500,000 bead types) during hybridization. One bead type corresponds to each allele per SNP locus. Unhybridized and non-specifically hybridized DNA is washed away. The chip undergoes staining and extension in capillary flow-through chambers. Singlebase extension of the oligos on the BeadChip, using the captured DNA as a template, incorporates detectable labels on the BeadChip and determines the genotype call for the sample.
Scan protocol The Illumina BeadArray Reader scans the BeadChip, using a laser to excite the fluorophore of the single-base extension product on the beads. The scanner records high-resolution images of the light emitted from the fluorophores.
Description Genomic DNA extracted from lymphoblastoid cell line was genotyped using Infinium HumanHap550-v3 Genotyping BeadChips (Illumina).
Data processing Genomic DNA extracted from cultured lymphoblastoid cell lines was genotyped using Infinium HumanExon510S-2 DNA Analysis Kit (Illumina).
Submission date Sep 21, 2010
Last update date Sep 24, 2010
Contact name Liewei Wang
Phone 507-284-5264
Fax 507-284-4455
Organization name Mayo Clinic
Department Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Street address 200 First street SW
City Rochester
State/province MN
ZIP/Postal code 55905
Country USA
Platform ID GPL6988
Series (2)
GSE24245 Genome-wide SNP array data from Human Variation Panel by Illumina 510S
GSE24277 Human Variation Panel: Gene Expression and Genotype

Data table header descriptions
VALUE genotype call
B Allele Freq

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Score Theta R B Allele Freq
rs3823184-107_T_F_IFB1161211720:0 BB 0.4478033 0.9813643 0.5911825 0.9913452
rs723490-126_T_R_IFB1161253789:0 AA 0.816741 0.02446374 0.5559598 0.007556786
rs4955547-123_T_F_IFB1161227890:0 BB 0.8099243 0.9641927 1.517597 0.9715113
rs8011562-126_T_R_IFB1161267227:0 AA 0.914583 0.03825515 0.771316 0.01050977
rs9468805-123_B_R_IFB1161276674:0 BB 0.9184136 0.9851946 1.22751 1
rs2400669-123_T_R_IFB1161184024:0 AA 0.8993196 0.02794133 0.7706634 0.005456677
rs1058465-106_T_F_IFB1161110088:0 BB 0.4541007 0.9799349 1.062454 0.9896358
rs5999-126_T_F_IFB1161234109:0 AA 0.8505118 0.01026181 1.365242 3.915186E-06
rs2013854-126_B_R_IFB1161162309:0 AB 0.7400023 0.7839104 0.8799994 0.4907696
rs16987048-123_B_F_IFB1161149544:0 AB 0.7723933 0.4635912 1.921041 0.4689779
rs8019730-126_B_F_IFB1161267374:0 AA 0.8946313 0.03889957 0.7535236 0.02198313
rs941986-126_T_F_IFB1161276218:0 AB 0.847701 0.6515104 0.7880338 0.4850973
rs2294041-126_T_R_IFB1161179340:0 BB 0.8530563 0.9653884 1.237722 0.9604887
rs2232032-98_T_R_IFB1161170583:0 BB 0.8337998 0.9703746 0.6132988 0.9856815
rs10005231-126_T_R_IFB1161282566:0 AB 0.810324 0.7042862 1.226122 0.4784494
rs203674-126_T_F_IFB1161163074:0 BB 0.8674639 0.9959794 0.525771 1
rs2271173-126_B_F_IFB1161174408:0 AA 0.866239 0.05457312 0.8292045 0.03002801
rs748741-126_B_F_IFB1161257614:0 AB 0.9073936 0.459813 0.8142715 0.4170311
rs10475542-119_B_R_IFB1161289850:0 AA 0.8014302 0.0009269141 1.896716 0.00
rs11191439-126_B_F_IFB1161117943:0 AA 0.9265754 0.001991997 1.188681 0.0005200095

Total number of rows: 511354

Table truncated, full table size 37849 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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