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Sample GSM617216 Query DataSets for GSM617216
Status Public on Oct 24, 2011
Title Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2137 - Copper deficient - Minimal media - 4
Sample type SRA
Source name Chlamydomonas cultured cells
Organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Characteristics genetic background: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2137
genotype: wt
treatment: copper deficient
medium: Minimal media
analysis: Illumina's RNA-Seq whole transcriptome analysis
sequencing cycles / read length: 50
library type: paired-end
mean/std insert size: 110.6/20.8
Treatment protocol Inoculum cultures were maintained under copper-deficient conditions. The minimal medium cultures were under constant aeration. Cells were collected at a density of 3x106 cell ml-1 (steady-state).
Growth protocol Cultures were grown in Tris-acetate-phosphate (TAP), or minimal medium (TP) at 24 C with shaking (180 rpm), and under continuous light (~90x10-6mol/m2/s)
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol Nucleic acids were isolated and analyzed according to standard procedures by hybridization or on an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. For quantitative transcriptomes, RNAs were sequenced at Illumina by either the NlaIII tag protocol or by whole transcriptome analysis.
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina Genome Analyzer II
Data processing Processed sequence files from the Solexa pipeline output were aligned against the v.3.1 assembly of the Chlamydomonas genome. The SOAP alignment program (Li et al., 2008) was used to map the short reads in two steps. In a first alignment round, the raw sequences were aligned to the genomic sequence with a tolerance of up to two mismatches and no indels. For those sequences that did not align to the genome a second round alignment was performed in which we recursively trim one base at a time (up to 21-mers or half of the read length) at either the 5’ or 3’ end of the reads until we found a (perfect) match to the genome.
Alignments from both rounds were tagged as either unique or not unique and combined. The most 5’ position of each alignment is recorded along with the length of the alignment. For differential expression analysis, per-base unique hits from both strands were pooled and summed across the genome to obtain gene counts. Additional normalization was performed to estimate gene expression levels.
Submission date Nov 03, 2010
Last update date May 23, 2013
Contact name Sabeeha Merchant
Phone 310-825-8300
Organization name University of California Los Angeles
Department Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Street address 607 Charles E. Young Drive East
City Los Angeles
State/province California
ZIP/Postal code 90095-1569
Country USA
Platform ID GPL9100
Series (1)
GSE25124 Systems analysis of Chlamydomonas Cu nutrition reveals connections between Cu and multiple O2-dependent metabolic steps
BioSample SAMN00199113

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM617216_SMMC37CuMMP2_2_hit.txt.gz 12.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Raw data provided as supplementary file
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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