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Sample GSM62338 Query DataSets for GSM62338
Status Public on Feb 21, 2006
Title HCC1833
Sample type genomic
Channel 1
Source name HCC1833 adenocarcinoma cell line
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics HCC1833 adenocarcinoma cell line
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label cy5
Channel 2
Source name normal male
Organism Homo sapiens

Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Label cy3
Description cy 5 = sample cy 3= reference
Data processing NONE
Submission date Jun 28, 2005
Last update date Feb 21, 2006
Contact name William Wallace Lockwood
Organization name National Human Genome Research Institute
Street address 50 South Drive
City Bethesda
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 20892
Country USA
Platform ID GPL2043
Series (1)
GSE2922 High resolution analysis of non-small cell lung cancer cell lines by whole genome tiling path array CGH

Data table header descriptions
Spot Mean Intensity (w595) Mean Spot Pixel Intensity - Cy3 channel
Spot Mean Intensity (w685) Mean Spot Pixel Intensity - Cy5 channel
Background Median Intensity (w595) Median Background Pixel Intensity - Cy3 channel
Background Median Intensity (w685) Median Background Pixel Intensity - Cy5 channel
Spot Normalized Intensity (w595) Spot Mean - Background Median
Spot Normalized Intensity (w685) Spot Mean - Background Median
Spot SNR (w595) Signal to noise ratio - Cy3
Spot SNR (w685) Signal to noise ratio - Cy5
Spot Ratio (w595) Cy3/Cy5
Spot Ratio (w685) Cy3/Cy5
Spot Log2 Ratio (w595) log2(Cy3/Cy5) (global mean set to "0")
VALUE log2(Cy3/Cy5) (global mean set to "0")

Data table
ID_REF Spot Mean Intensity (w595) Spot Mean Intensity (w685) Background Median Intensity (w595) Background Median Intensity (w685) Spot Normalized Intensity (w595) Spot Normalized Intensity (w685) Spot SNR (w595) Spot SNR (w685) Spot Ratio (w595) Spot Ratio (w685) Spot Log2 Ratio (w595) VALUE
1 11481.26 9147.39 987 2360 10494.26 6787.39 311.4913 192.6026 0.9181593 1.089112 -0.1231836 0.1231522
2 9401.9 4935.3 1024 2387 8377.9 2548.301 200.3719 40.8668 1.952333 0.5121967 0.9651989 -0.9652303
3 12622.18 9116.63 1056 2453 11566.18 6663.63 234.8486 170.1585 1.030738 0.9701579 0.04367719 -0.04370865
4 10250.55 7273.75 1075 2464 9175.55 4809.75 197.6857 116.4203 1.132866 0.8826975 0.1799774 -0.1800089
5 11495.7 9021.08 1061.5 2460 10434.2 6561.08 178.6375 138.9894 0.9443925 1.058859 -0.08254155 0.08251008
6 18356.32 11260.13 1070 2468 17286.32 8792.13 383.323 166.1928 1.167555 0.8564719 0.2234907 -0.2235222
7 15303.5 27599.71 1054.5 2487.5 14249 25112.21 359.41 520.761 0.3369525 2.967712 -1.569383 1.569351
8 12085.84 10753.39 1048 2449 11037.84 8304.39 260.6636 163.102 0.7893064 1.266907 -0.3413427 0.3413112
9 12298.76 8709.73 1041 2432 11257.76 6277.73 327.593 167.7707 1.064923 0.9390143 0.09074948 -0.09078094
10 11351.72 11875.21 1033.5 2424 10318.22 9451.21 300.7103 254.2039 0.648316 1.542424 -0.625231 0.6251995
11 12713.68 10729.28 1043.5 2417.5 11670.18 8311.78 301.2215 222.1111 0.8337826 1.199327 -0.2622569 0.2622254
12 12852.44 7646.49 1045.5 2408.5 11806.94 5237.99 357.287 141.2015 1.338573 0.7470478 0.420696 -0.4207275
13 19902.8 7789.41 1063.5 2439.5 18839.3 5349.91 414.773 105.644 2.09116 0.478193 1.064304 -1.064335
14 13154.66 9330.76 1091 2456 12063.66 6874.76 268.3437 136.2971 1.042056 0.9596202 0.05943308 -0.05946454
15 15530.81 8900.45 1076 2442.5 14454.81 6457.95 382.322 144.0013 1.32919 0.7523213 0.4105477 -0.4105792
16 8339.38 7320.6 1058.5 2437 7280.88 4883.6 209.4532 112.5749 0.8853456 1.129478 -0.1756873 0.1756559
17 13928.06 7901.01 1072 2452 12856.06 5449.01 336.156 122.7626 1.401068 0.7137254 0.4865274 -0.4865589
18 23055.21 15037.27 1091 2464 21964.21 12573.27 534.099 342.612 1.037377 0.9639489 0.05293993 -0.05297139
19 10934.83 8886.09 1076 2446 9858.83 6440.09 239.0664 157.0547 0.9090807 1.099988 -0.1375198 0.1374883
20 15334.56 11578.89 1100 2462.5 14234.56 9116.39 395.541 199.6324 0.9272362 1.07845 -0.1089912 0.1089598

Total number of rows: 104544

Table truncated, full table size 10987 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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